Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 11, 2024
So Shall Your Offspring Be
Genesis 15:1-6
1. The LORD Promising 1
• significance of “After these things…”
• protection and provision
2. Abram Lamenting 2-3
• Abram’s address:”…O Lord GOD…”
• Eliezer of Damascus: slave as heir? Abram: father of any/many
3. The LORD Guaranteeing 4-5
• when promise and problem intersect
• repetition, clarification and expansion (Psa. 147:3-4)
4. The LORD Crediting 6
• verse 6: believed…counted…righteousness
• repeated in Rom. 4:3, Gal. 4:6, Jas. 2:23
• The Lord’s confirmation points us to the cross (Gen. 15:7-21, Isa. 45:22)
5. So What?
• Because the LORD has the power to protect and provide for you, understand that your circumstances pose no problem for Him.
• Don’t fear or fret. Do delight and depend. Expect Him to be what you call Him!
• “I am the God of the stars. They do not lose their way. Not one do I mislay. Their times are in my hand. They move at my command.” (A. Carmichael) “Standing on the promises that cannot fail, when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, by the living word of God I shall prevail, standing on the promise of God.” (R. Carter)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 4, 2024
To the Land That I Will Show You
Genesis 11:27-12:9
1. Background 11:27-30
• from the covenant with Noah to the covenant with Abram (Gen. 31:53, Josh. 24:2)
• cast of characters and itinerary
2. The LORD’S Call 1-3
• Get out! … Be a blessing.
• promises: land, nation, name, blessing
3. Abram’s Compliance 4-6
• leaving his “world” to follow the LORD’S command (Gen. 15:6, Heb. 11:8)
• without the benefit of travel brochures or social media
• obedience in spite of advanced age and the presence of idolatry
4. The LORD’S Confirmation 7a
• revelation by word and appearance
• heavenly visitation and confirmation of promises
5. Abram’s Continuation 7b-9
• tent and altar
• worship prompted by the word
6. So What?
• Because the LORD is the ultimate deliverer and promise-keeper, forsake all to worship Him and serve His purposes.
• Resolve, by God’s grace, to live as a sojourner and worshiper.
• Connection to Christ: Luke 9:57-62, Rev. 5:1-11
• “Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but Thou art mighty, hold me with Thy pow’rful hand…” (W. Williams)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 28, 2024
The Case of the Confused Lip
Genesis 11:1-9
1. Background
• table of nations (Gen. 10)
• Babel (Gen. 10:10)
2. Man Proposes 1-4
• key word: “come”
• one language…
• eastward migration to Shinar
• make bricks…build city/tower…make name…
• disregard for God’s word (Gen. 9:1)
3. The LORD Disposes 5-9
• divine inspection
• divine evaluation
• divine interruption
4. So What?
• When you attempt to raise yourself in pride, expect God to bring you down in confusion.
• A repeated reminder: God has declared war on pride. (Prov. 3:34, James 4:6, Luke 18:14)
• Exult in the invitation of Matt. 11:28-30 and reflect on Acts 2:1-13.
• “Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail, in Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail…” (Grant)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 21, 2024
Tracing the Rainbow through the Rain
Genesis 9:1-17
1. Setting
• post-flood proclamations
• key emphases: God’s insistence and God’s initiative
2. Renewal of Blessing 1-7
• pronouncement repeated
• provision of food
• prohibition regarding blood (Lev. 17:11, Acts 15:28-29)
• prohibition regarding taking life (Rom. 13:4)
3. Establishment of Covenant 8-17
• promise of preservation
• provision of protection
• pledged with a sign (Rev. 4:1-3, 10:1)
4. So What?
• Because of the reminder that life is precious to God, aim to promote, preserve and protect it.
• “History is God’s highway to an appointed future.” (Piper)
• connection to Christ: Heb. 9:26
• “O joy that seekest me through pain, I cannot close my heart to Thee. I trace the rainbow through the rain, and feel the promise is not vain, that morn shall tearless be. O Cross that liftest up my head, I dare not ask to fly from Thee. I lay in dust, life’s glory dead, and from the ground there blossoms red, life that shall endless be.” (G. Matheson, “O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go”)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 14, 2024
The Ark and Your Anchor
Genesis 7:1-8:22
1. Overview: Two Lessons from the Life of Noah
• Respond actively to the revelation you’ve received.
• Relish practically the reality that God remembers you.
2. Reflect on the Scope of the Flood
• logic
• language of text
• literature
• lesson in NT
3. Flood Theology Observations
• Observe the mercy of God.
• Observe the faithfulness of God.
• Observe the patience of God.
• Observe the justice of God.
4. So What?
• Receive the offered deliverance.
• Resolve to join the rescue team.
• connection to Jesus: Hebrews 6:19!
• Because of who God is, you can have hope!
• “There is a hope that burns within my heart, that gives me strength for every passing day; a glimpse of glory now revealed in meagre part, yet drives all doubt away: I stand in Christ, with sins forgiven; and Christ in me, the hope of heaven! My highest calling and my deepest joy, to make His will my home.” (S. Townend, “There Is a Hope”)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 7, 2024
He Did All That God Commanded Him’
Genesis 6:8-22; Hebrews 11:7
Genesis 6 records the story of Noah in the days preceding the Great Flood. The Lord saved, preserved and used him to make a lasting impact on his generation and the generations that followed.
1. Glean the Key Insights (8-13)
• Noah found grace. He did not earn it.
• How the Lord sees all people: righteous or unrighteous
• Our inconsistency doesn’t invite interest.
• The Lord is neither apathetic nor surprised.
2. Observe the Instructions to Noah (14-21)
• Build the ark for survival and not navigation.
• The size of the ark: sufficient
• The typology of the ark: keeping out and letting in
3. Examine the Obedience of Noah (22 and Heb. 11:7)
• Commitment
• Courage
• Conviction
4. So What?
• When you take the Lord’s word seriously, you can have a lasting impact for His glory.
• Biblical faith includes both a backward and forward look.
• Holiness: the habit of agreeing with God’s judgment, hating what He hates, loving what He loves and measuring everything in this world by the standard of His word. (J. C. Ryle)
• “He who does not believe God will punish sin will not believe that He will pardon it through His atoning blood.” (Spurgeon)
• “His will be done, His Kingdom come, on earth as is above, Who is Himself our daily bread, praise Him the Lord of love…All glory be to Christ our King! All glory be to Christ! His rule and reign we’ll ever sing. All glory be to Christ!” (D. Kensrue, “All Glory Be to Christ”)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 31, 2023
The First Worship Service and the First Murder
Genesis 4:1-15
1. The First Worship Service: A Rejected Offering and a Warning 1-7
• births of Cain and Abel
• occupations of Cain and Abel
• offerings of Cain and Abel (Heb. 11:4)
• rejection of Cain’s offering and his response
• warning from the LORD (Heb. 4:12)
2. The First Murder: A Homicide and Its Consequences 8-15
• Cain kills Abel (1 John 3:12)
• dialogue with the LORD and pronouncement of curse
• Cain’s protest and the LORD’S mercy in the midst of judgment
• the land of wandering east of Eden (Jude 11)
3. So What?
• Because of your complete ruin, look away from yourself and look to the LORD for help. (Heb. 4:16)
• “The blood of Abel cried for vengeance; that of Christ for remission” (Erasmus) (Heb. 12:24)
• “While Eve is talked into sin, Cain will not have even God talk him out of it, nor will he confess to it, nor yet accept his punishment.” (D. Kidner)
• “Give to our God immortal praise; mercy and truth are all His ways; wonders of grace to God belong, repeat His mercies in your song.” (Watts, “Give to Our God Immortal Praise”)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 24, 2023
Christmas Message
First Christmas Comprehension
Luke 2:1-15
1. Historical Setting 1-5
• acknowledgement of earthly governmental activity
• from Nazareth to Bethlehem with his betrothed, who was pregnant
2. Holy Birth 6-7
• the time came for Mary to give birth to her firstborn son
• wrapped in cloths and placed in a manger
• an ancient “no vacancy” issue
3. Heavenly Announcement 8-15
• singling out the shepherds
• angelic appearance and shining of glory
• fear acknowledged and addressed with the ultimate birth announcement
• peace for whom?
4. So What?
• Because of the first Christmas, sinners like us can know true liberation that leads to lasting celebration.
• “God of God, Light of Light. Lo, He abhors not the virgin’s womb; very God, begotten not created…” (F. Oakeley, verse 2 of “O Come, All Ye Faithful”)
• “The very mention of the cross should be far removed not only from a Roman citizen’s body, but from his mind, his eyes, his ears.” (Roman orator Cicero in a speech to the Senate a 100 or so years before Paul penned Phil. 2:5-11 under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit)
• “He was poor, that he might make us rich. He was born of a virgin, that we might be born of God. He took our flesh, that he might give us His Spirit. He lay in the manger, that we may lie in paradise. He came down from heaven, that he might bring us to heaven…that the ancient of Days should be born… that he who thunders in the heavens should cry in the cradle…that Christ should be made of a woman, and of that woman which himself made, that the branch should bear the vine, that the mother should be younger than the child she bare, and the child in the womb bigger than the mother; that the human nature should not be God, yet one with God. Behold love that passeth knowledge! Come and worship!” (Thomas Watson, A Body of Divinity)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 17, 2023
Christmas in Genesis
Genesis 3:1-24
1. Deception 1-5
• crafty serpent (Rev. 12:9)
• casting doubt
2. Violation 6-7
• took and ate
• eyes opened
3. Confrontation 8-13
• God’s questions
• Man’s excuses
4. Salvation 14-19
• consequences (Rom. 8:22)
• cure in the context of the curse (Rom. 16:20, Gal. 3:13, Heb. 2:14)
5. Foundation 20-24
• clothed sinners
• getting back to the garden
6. So What?
• Because the Father placed the curse on Jesus that you deserve, rejoice in and rely on the rebel-seeking God of Christmas.
• “He comes to make His blessings flow, far as the curse is found…” (Watts, “Joy to the World”)
• celebrating Christmas: pondering your predicament and God’s provision for it.
• “So what am I going to do with all these unfixables? All these not-as-they-should-bes, not as they will be one day? I’m going to trust you with all these unfixables until the day when I finally see the way You make masterpieces out of these unfixables.” (Chapman, “Unfixables”)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 10, 2023
The First Couple and the First Christmas
Genesis 2:5-25; 1 John 1:1-4
1. Formation 2:5-7
• repetition of LORD God
• formed
• breathed
• living creature
2. Environment 2:8-17
• garden provision
• work assignment
• commands and parameters
3. Family 2:18-25
• conspicuous absence and naming implications
• sculpted helper
• Adam’s response
• institution of marriage: leave, cleave, one flesh
4. Foreshadowing 1 John 1:1-4, Luke 2:7-12, Luke 3:33-38
• obedient and humble creatures
• condescending and caring Creator/Redeemer
5. So What?
• Because of the Father’s creative and redemptive work through Jesus, bow before Him in adoring worship.
• “Seek not in courts, nor palaces, nor royal curtains draw; but search the stable, see our God, extended on the straw.” (W. Billings, “Methinks I See a Heavenly Host”)
• Ponder the Son of God who, as the Agent of creation, sculpted Adam and Eve from the dust of the ground and breathed into them the breath of life.
• “I don’t care if you’ve been on the paid staff of hell…” (T. Keller)