Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 3, 2013

Teacher: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

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“Follow the Leader” Philippians 2:12-18 Bible Study 11/03/13

After focusing the attention of his readers on the Father’s assessment of His Son’s sacrificial obedience, Paul uses another “therefore” to signal a shift in thought. Our text this morning finds Paul going back to the thought of 1:27 (presence/absence) in order to stress the importance of practical obedience. Paul had no sympathy for a sterile or lifeless orthodoxy that knew nothing of struggle and growth. We must follow our Lord’s example of obedience. His presence in us and power through us make such a following a possibility. Let the perfect obedience of Jesus promote a growing practical obedience in your earthly pilgrimage.

I. Strive on to the finish (12-13)
-key command: “work out…”

-accelerated motivation

-the “sense” of salvation

-accompanying perspective: “fear and trembling”

-the source of “energy”

II. Shine like a star (14-16)
-key command: “do…”

-principle of separation

-principle of illumination: “shine as luminaries”

-principle of continuation: “holding fast”

III. Share a biblical outlook (17-18)
-key command: “Be glad and rejoice…”

-the “liturgy” of faith

-sacrificial perspective

IV. So what?
-Remember that “grace is opposed to earning and not to effort.” (Willard)

-Renew you acquaintance with the concept of the “fear of the Lord.”

-Recognize the practical aspect of biblical Christianity. “Nothing clarifies doctrine like doing.
Each new thing learned becomes a millstone if we do not make it a milestone.” (Havner)

-Resist the accommodation that dims the light of illumination.

-View your life as a worship offering.

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 27, 2013

Teacher: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

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“The Father’s Assessment” Philippians 2:9-11 Bible Study 10/27/13

This morning’s text is the conclusion of the great Christological hymn of 2:5-11. In verses 9-11 we move from the matter of Christ’s humiliation to the marvelous truth of His exaltation. This exaltation is the Father’s “stamp of approval” of His Son’s self-humbling, cross-bearing conquest. In this text we discover the Father’s estimation of the Son. The implications of it are staggering for all of creation! Because God delights in the exaltation of His Son, confess Jesus as Lord and conform to His mindset.

I. Recognize the reason for His exaltation
-understand the “therefore”

-the activity of self-humbling

II. Examine the nature of His exaltation

-“graced” with a name: LORD (Isa. 45:22-25)

III. Grasp the goal of His exaltation
-knees of submission

-tongues of confession

-glory of God

IV. So what?
-incentive for humility
-encouragement in trial
-motivation for evangelism
-urgency of salvation
-insight for “legacy”
-if you agree with the assessment, live like it!

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 20, 2013

Teacher: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

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“Mind the Gap” Philippians 2:5-8 Bible Study 10/20/13
Our text this morning is a powerful amplification of Paul’s previous thoughts in 1:27-2:4. Paul is concerned with the true unity of his Philippian recipients and he knows that this unity hinges on genuine humility. Philippians 2:5-11 is a theologically deep and intensely Christological passage that has a hymn-like quality about it. The passage covers both the humiliation and exaltation of Christ. This morning, our focus is on the first four verses and the unmatched humility of our Lord. He is both the source and model for any valid expression of unity or humility. Those who have experienced subway travel in London may recall the repeated verbal and written reminders for passengers to “mind the gap” when boarding trains. Our text offers the reminder for us to “mind the gap” which Jesus spanned in order to offer Himself as our sacrificial substitute on the cross. What a model and incentive for believers! Believers maximize unity as they cultivate the mindset of Jesus exemplified in the cross.

I. Model the attitude of Christ Jesus (5-6)
-command: mind the mind of Christ

-construction: the names a matter of precision

-character: form (morphe) of God

-consideration: not grasping/snatching equality…

II. Mark the actions of Christ Jesus (7-8)
-divesting: not of deity but of self-interest

-description: emptied…taking the form of a slave…

-distinction: being born, definite entrance in time

-descent: in human schema/shape He self-humbled…

-depth: obedient (hear under), death…death on a cross

III. So What?
-Nothing short of the mind of the Head must be the mind of the body

-Two questions to ask: What is important to Jesus? and What principles does He cherish?

-Doctrine really matters: not for curiosity satisfaction but for character transformation

-‘Tis mystery all! The immortal dies! -C. Wesley
“Lo, within a manger lies He who built the starry skies…” -E. Caswall
“May the mind of Christ my Savior, Live in me from day to day, By His love and power
controlling, All I do and say.” -Kate Wilkinson

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 13, 2013

Teacher: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

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“When It’s Time for A Tune-Up” Philippians 2:1-4 Bible Study 10/13/13

In Scripture we may frequently observe instances of repetition. That is, biblical writers under the Spirit’s influence often repeat exhortations/commands to highlight their strategic importance. As we come to this morning’s text, we find Paul returning to the concept of the “worthy” life which he addressed in 1:27-30. In so doing, he stresses that the “worthy” life is a life of unity. Paul had received reports of a threatening disunity among the Philippian believers (see Philippians 4 and the concern regarding Euodia and Syntyche). Therefore, before turning to focus on Jesus as the source and model for unity (Philippians 2:5-11), he reiterates the importance of the “worthy” life and its accompanying exhibition of “tuned-up” believers. The Church is called to stay in tune so that it might bring maximum praise to God.

I. Return to the foundational issues (1)
-observe the four “ifs”

-tied to the command of 2:2 and pointing back to 1:27

-supreme: encouragement in Christ, consolation of love

-supernatural: fellowship of the Spirit

-supporting: any affection and compassion

II. Remember the repeated objective (2a)
-complete my joy/only…

-the maturing of believers to the glory of God

-one can’t be “up” on Jesus and “down” on others at the same time

-needed: expanded hearts and enlarged horizons

III. Review the facilitating expressions (2b-4)



IV. So What?
-Distinguish between self-righteous service and Spirit-led service

-Determine to “make the other person royalty”

-“When we each tune ourselves and our lives to Christ’s, we will have unity.” –A.W. Tozer

-What would your joy be…?

Weekly Lesson for October 6, 2013

Guest speaker: David Norman
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity Student

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Colossians 2:6-7 “Walking in Christ”

Weekly Lesson for September 29, 2013

Guest speaker: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

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“Whatever Happens…” Philippians 1:27-30 Bible Study 09/29/13

This morning’s text reflects a shift in emphasis in Paul’s letter to Philippian believers. The word “only” in verse 27 signals a transition from information to exhortation. As a concerned leader and spiritual parent, Paul encourages his readers with exhortations regarding their practice and privilege as Christians.

The “big” idea: Because of the surpassing worth of Jesus, determine to promote His person and work whatever happens.

I. Conduct Yourself Worthily (27)
-“behavior as citizens…”

-“worthy”: corresponding conduct

-unaffected: present or absent

-unyielding: “standing firm…”

-undivided: “striving …”

II. Consider Yourself Privileged (28-30)
-affirmed through opposition

-graciously gifted to suffer

-a stark contrast

-encouraged by personal example

III. So What?
-How much of what I do is motivated primarily by the presence or absence of others?

-How am I presently involved in advancing the cause of Jesus?

-Is my view of suffering cultural or biblical?
-Am I willing to make the exaltation of Jesus the focus of my future?

Weekly Lesson for September 22, 2013

Guest speaker: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

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“Reality Check” Philippians 1:21-26 Bible Study 09/22/13
Paul’s powerful assertion in this morning’s text is both a sobering challenge and a penetrating “reality check.” All of us live for something or for someone. As Paul considers his future as a believer, he knows that Christian hope makes the outcome certain but leaves open both the time of fulfillment and the means by which the goal is reached. Our objective this morning is to examine carefully Paul’s perspective on this life and the life that is to come.
The “big” idea: Because of the surpassing worth and power of Christ, reality for the believer involves present fruitful service and future eternal gain.
I. Biblical reality enables discernment (21-22)
-life: opportunity for increased fruit

-death: prospect of immediate gain

II. Biblical reality fuels desire (23)
-constrained/hemmed in

-longing to exchange “camp” life for “home” life

III. Biblical reality dictates devotion (24-26)
-the progress of others

-the praise of Christ

IV. So what?
-“Live here in light of there under the conquering authority of the King.” -Joseph Stowell

-“I cannot but run with all my might, for I am close to the goal.” –Charles Simeon in old age

-Am I utterly enthralled with Jesus?

Weekly Lesson for September 15, 2013

Guest speaker: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

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“An Obsession with Advancement” Philippians 1:12-20 Bible Study 09/15/13

After giving thanks to God for his partnership with believers in Philippi and praying for their growth, Paul discloses to his readers what might be called his one “magnificent obsession.” Paul could never be considered a spiritual “couch potato.” His focus is ever forward, upward and onward. In fact, his singular focus enables him to have a decidedly distinct perspective concerning his circumstances. Our text this morning drives home the truth that when the advancement of the gospel is your primary goal, you can view your circumstances as God-given opportunities to promote it.

I. Trying circumstances often lead to meaningful progress (12-17)
-apprehension regarding Paul’s imprisonment
-Paul’s declaration: advancement in the midst of adversity
-attracting attention to Jesus: the Praetorian Guard
-promoting the proclamation of Jesus

II. Trying circumstances often remind us of what really matters (18-20)
-the message of Jesus
-method, message and motive…
-the magnification of Jesus
-cause for rejoicing

III. So What?
-Resist the subtle lure of “cruise-control” Christianity
-Let trying circumstances “blow the haze of triviality” out of your life
-Resolve to magnify Jesus in the midst of your “restrictions”
-Remember that the Lord “holds the gavel”
-Model the motivation of Jesus
-A lesson from the life of Samuel Rutherford

Weekly Lesson for September 8, 2013

Guest speaker: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

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“Growth and Glory” Philippians 1:9-11 Bible Study 09/08/13

Given our tendency to underestimate the power of prayer and to underexercise the privilege of prayer, Paul’s prayer in today’s text is an instructive and encouraging reminder. While it is true that we have been invited to pray about everything, no prayer request is more important than the one that pleads for the spiritual growth of God’s people. Because God’s glory matters most, let it shape the content of your praying and the conduct of your living.

I. Pray for supernatural love (9-10a)
-abounding: sacrificial love

-informed: knowledge and discernment

-discriminating: enablement to assess

II. Pray for supernatural character (10b-11)
-pure: sincere and blameless

-produced: “…having been filled…”

-perceptive: the return of Christ anticipated

-purposeful: the glory of God

“Let the glory of the all glorious God be everything to you.” – Andrew Murray

There are no traffic jams on the straight and narrow way.

“All the world is God’s own field, fruit unto His praise to yield;
Wheat and tares together sown unto joy or sorrow grown.
First, the blade and then the ear, then the full corn shall appear;
Lord of harvest, grant that we wholesome grain and pure may be.” – Henry Alford

Weekly Lesson for September 1, 2013

Guest speaker: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

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“Partners in Joy” Philippians 1:1-8 Bible Study 09/01/13
This morning we begin our study of Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi. Paul wrote this letter during his first Roman imprisonment. The church at Philippi was founded on Paul’s second missionary journey. The majority of believers in this church was non-Jewish. These believers had a wonderful relationship with Paul, having sent Epaphroditus as their messenger of personal concern to Paul armed with a gift. The letter we know as Philippians was sent along with Epaphroditus upon his return to Philippi. It conveys Paul’s gratitude for the gift he received and an encouragement to unity.

I. Introduction to Philippians (1-2)
-theme: joy in Christ

-greeting: saints, grace and peace

II. Grasp the nature of Paul’s gratitude (3-8)

-confident: the “pivot” verse 6


III. Make the timeless application
-conviction about a common goal

-confidence about continued growth

-compassion because of a common ground

IV. The “big” idea
-Because the Lord is the ultimate “Finisher”, you can have joyful confidence as you partner
with others in the promotion of the gospel.

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