Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 13, 2015

“Image is Everything” Genesis 1:26-31 Bible Study 09/13/15

To say that we live in an “image-conscious” culture these days would quickly earn us the title of “Captain Obvious.” Sadly, much of the current emphasis on “image” is externally focused and biblically substandard. This morning we will consider the “real” image as we look at the biblical affirmation of humans being created in the image of God. When you grasp the truth that humans are made in the image of God, you gain a biblical understanding of human nature.

I. Reflect the Person of God

-image/likeness emphasis
-“let us make…”
-the issue of image
-personality, morality, spirituality

II. Connect with your assignment


III. Reject sub-biblical standards

-devaluation of image
-deification of image
-disregard of image

IV. Three timeless applications

-the value of human life: image of God
-the meaning of human life: enjoyment of God
-the destiny of human life: presence of God

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 6, 2015

“Let’s Start At the Very Beginning” Gen. 1:1; Rom. 1:20 Bible Study 09/06/15

Genesis 1-11 has rightly been called the “seedbed” of Scripture. In these chapters the reader finds the foundation for every doctrine essential to the Christian faith. As we begin our study of Genesis this morning, we will be reminded that one’s view of creation and, specifically, the Genesis account is the starting point of his or her entire worldview. Belief in a supernatural and personal God who made all things is the sole basis for believing you have any purpose or destiny.

I. Discover the first universal fact: God

-the Bible and the existence of God
-distinct and prior
-incommunicable attributes
-fact then act

II. Discover the first universal act: creation

-contrasting naturalism and the Bible
-functional summary: five elements
-“bara” and “ex nihilo” creation
-theater of God’s glory

III. Discover the first foundational issue: God’s glory

-radical God-centeredness
-glory: surpassing worth/value
-God’s pleasure in His creation
-Adore the Self-Exalting Architect!
-Recognize the creation/redemption connection

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 30, 2015

“All Things New” Revelation 21:1-8 Bible Study 08/30/15

In understanding the flow of the book of Revelation, one can view chapters 4-5 (the Person) and chapters 21-22 (the Place) as bookends of end-times events. This morning, as we focus on Revelation 21, we see the progression from judgment to joy and from terror to triumph. The final destination of the believer is a new creation that springs into being at the command of God. He promises to make all things new. His promise to make all things new eternally should make a powerful impact on your life presently.

I. Consider the content of God’s promise

-a new creation: freed from imperfection (1-2)
-a new confirmation: faith becomes sight (3)
-a new condition: former things pass away (4-5)

II. Consider the proper present response

-patiently endure
-urgently evangelize
-personally examine (6-8)
-fervently exalt

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 23, 2015

Guest speaker: Adam Mallette

“Satan is Cast out of Heaven” Revelation 12:1-17 Adam Mallette Bible Study 08/23/15

Main Idea: Satan is overcome by a blood-bought and obedient testimony.

I. A Preemptive Strike: The Woman, The Dragon and The Baby (1-6)

II. The Heavenly Battle (7-12)

III. The Earthly Battle (13-17)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 16, 2015

“Redeeming Judgment” Revelation 9:1-12 Bible Study 08/16/15

This morning we will examine the content of the fifth trumpet judgment recorded in our text. Prominent in this judgment is the presence of locust swarms. Locust references may be found elsewhere in Scripture (Exodus, Joel) and are frequently associated with the wrath of God. Our text serves as a significant corrective to a number of sub-biblical concepts regarding God’s character and activity. It affirms that He is always in control, that he will have the “final” word, that His judgment is sure and that His mercy is great. Because of the testimony of Scripture, know that God’s judgment of sin and rescue of His people are certain.

I. The Lord unleashes judgment (1-3)

-context: 7 seals/ 7 trumpets
-interpretive perspectives
-trumpets 1-4/ 8:6-13
-star fallen…given the key…bottomless pit
-locusts given power like scorpions

II. The Lord preserves His people (4-6)

-target: people without the “seal”
-identity of the sealed
-intense torment with limitations

III. The Lord includes a terrifying description (7-12)

-the locusts are like…
-power to hurt
-Abaddon/Apollyon: “Destruction and Destroyer”
-no relief in sight

IV. For Further Reflection

-God’s wrath: His settled hostility toward sin, His refusal to compromise with it and His resolve to condemn it. –J. Piper
-Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee… -A. Toplady
-God will not suffer Himself to be scorned indefinitely.
-There are at least 600 warnings about hell in Scripture… L. R. Scarborough
-It is not this world we need to know better. It is the other world. P. Ainsworth
-…Redeeming love has been my theme and shall be till I die. W. Cowper

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 9, 2015

“The Worthy Lamb” Revelation 5:1-14 Bible Study 08/09/15

From Revelation 4 to Revelation 5, readers may observe a shift in focus from creation to redemption. The God of creation is also the God of redemption and He fulfills His purposes through the person and work of Jesus Christ- the Lamb of God. From this morning’s text we learn that being heavenly-minded, in the best sense, means viewing all of life through the lens of the lordship of Jesus Christ. We also learn that true worship reflects on the cross with wonder and rejoices in the Savior’s worth.

I. Behold the uniquely qualified Lamb (1-5)


II. Behold the unquestionably identified Lamb (6)


III. Behold the divinely authorized Lamb (7)


IV. Worship with a profound sense of submission (8)


V. Worship with a particular attention to the cross (9-10)


VI. Worship with a passionate recitation of character (11-12)


VII. Worship with a universal level of participation (13-14)


Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 2, 2015

“A Glimpse of the Throne” Revelation 4:1-11 Bible Study 08/02/15

This morning we turn our attention to one of the most powerful and comforting passages in Scripture. Writing to Christians in crisis for whom persecution and suffering for their faith were realities, John provides a desperately needed perspective. He conveys a vivid portrait of the living God on His throne and in absolute control. In our text, a door is opened for John to get a glimpse of the very throneroom of God. Heaven is real! God is in control and will prevail. Because the Lord is on His throne, experience comfort and express worship.

I. Think about the throne 1-8a

-on the throne
* occupied
* appearance
-around the throne
* 24 thrones
* 4 living creatures
-from the throne
* lightning, sounds, thunder
-before the throne
* 7 torches
* sea of glass

II. Observe the worship before the throne 8b-11

-the object of worship
* holy
* sovereign
* omnipotent
* timeless
-the expression of worship
* prostration
* presentation
* praise

III. For further reflection

-“If you have been resigning yourself to the thought God has left you high and dry, seek grace to be ashamed of yourself…Such unbelieving pessimism deeply dishonors God…The Shepherd does not lose His sheep.” -J. I. Packer
-“To regain her lost power, the church must see Heaven opened and have a transforming vision of God…Not the utilitarian God who is having a run of popularity today, whose chief claim to men’s attention is His ability to bring them success in their various undertakings…The God we must learn to know is the Majesty in the heavens…He it is that sitteth upon the circle of the earth who stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain…who bringeth out His starry host by number and calleth them all by names through the greatness of His power, who seeth the works of man as vanity, who putteth no confidence in princes and asks no counsel of kings.” A. W. Tozer
-“Failure to worship consigns us to a life of spasms and jerks, at the mercy of every advertisement, every seduction, every siren. Without worship we live manipulated and manipulating lives. We move in either frightened panic or deluded lethargy as we are, in turn, alarmed by spectres and soothed by placebos. If there is no center, there is no circumference. People who do not worship are swept into a vast restlessness, epidemic in the world, with no steady direction and no sustaining purpose.” Eugene Peterson

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 26, 2015

“Faith under Fire” Revelation 2:8-15 Bible Study 07/26/15

The call to suffer for Christ is a neglected topic. However, it remains timeless in application. In the New Testament, suffering is an indispensable mark of every true believer and church and the certainty of the world’s persecution is stressed repeatedly. Like the church at Smyrna, the Lord calls us to hear what the Spirit says to the churches. When you rely on the Lord’s provision, you can live with fearless faithfulness when your faith comes under fire.

I. The Lord’s presence encourages us

-form of the letter
-background on Smyrna
-Lord over extremes and everything in between
-suffering church: uncompromising church

II. The Lord’s perspective enlightens us

-pressure of persecution
-poverty of possessions
-poison of slander
-prospect of prison/death
-stripping away the superficial
-enlarging our capacity for enjoyment

III. The Lord’s promises assure us

-don’t fear…do be faithful
-a crown to receive
-a condemnation to escape

IV. The Lord’s pronouncement orders us
-listen up!
-order your life in light of the message

V. So what?

-“Over twenty centuries of Christian faith, some 70 million Christians were murdered for that faith and are thus called ‘martyrs.’” – David Barrett/Todd Johnson
-“Fourscore and six years I have been serving Him, and He hath done me no wrong; How then can I blaspheme my King who saved me?” -Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna
-“Thy saints in all this glorious war Shall conquer though they die; They see the triumph from afar, By faith’s discerning eye.” -Isaac Watts, 1721
-Acknowledge the inevitability of suffering.
-Prize the Lord’s presence and promises.
-Assess your measure of wealth.
-Cultivate an eternal perspective
-Pray for the persecuted church.

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 19, 2015

Guest speaker: Greg Nelson
Master of Div. student at SWBTS

“An Invitation to Urgency?” Revelation 1:1-8 Bible Study 07/19/15

John the beloved disciple of Jesus, exiled on the Island of Patmos just off the coast of what is modern day Turkey, receives the Revelation of Jesus Christ and gives us several exhortations from our text today. He assures us that those who read the words penned in The Revelation will be blessed! He assures us that Jesus is the ALMIGHTY. He assures us that Jesus is returning! Finally, he clearly tells us that every tribe will make up the kingdom which Jesus has called us to.

I. Introduction

– Remaining Urgent
– Set the context (John, Island of Patmos, Revelation)

II. The Assured Blessing (1-3)

-Blessing because of Jesus
-Blessing because of the prophecy
– Blessing with a condition (heed the prophecy)

III. The Assured Savior (4-8)

– The Eternal savior (vs. 4)
– The Faithful witness (vs. 5)
– The Firstborn of the dead (vs. 5)
– The Ruler of the Earth (vs. 5)
– The Reigning Savior/King (V.5-6)
– The Coming King (V. 7-8)

IV. So what?

– If John is correct, then we as Christians must:
o Read and Heed the words of The Revelation
• There is a guaranteed blessing!
• It is crucial for remaining Urgent in our witness!
o Remain Urgent until Jesus returns!
• Let Jesus find you witnessing
• Share the gospel often and with everyone

V. What if you had the cure to cancer? Would you share it? Who would you share it with? Just your friends? Or would you go to the hospital and share it with everyone who was dying? The same is true about our knowledge of salvation. We would have to hate someone not to share it with them!
o If you were lost, and in need of saving, and the church down the street evangelized like you do, what are the chances that you would come to know Christ as a result of their evangelism?

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 12, 2015

“What Does God Say?” 1 John 5:6-12 Bible Study 07/12/15

After addressing the victorious nature of faith in Jesus as the Son of God, John turns his attention to the reliability of the testimony concerning Him. Our text this morning has an intended two-fold effect. The first intention is to refute false teaching concerning the person and work of Jesus. The second intention is to reassure believers bombarded by false teachings that their faith in Jesus is well-grounded and has the Father’s divine stamp of approval. Jesus is the Son of God who provides eternal life to all who believe in Him. Because Jesus is who the Father says He is, rely on Him as your priceless treasure and sole source of life now and forever.

I. Introduction

-key term: witness/testimony
-key issue: person and work of Jesus

II. Grasp the character of the testimony (6-9)

-external: baptism and death
-internal: Holy Spirit

III. Recognize the consequences of response to the testimony (10)

-belief affirms
-unbelief assaults

IV. Confirm the content of the testimony (11-12)

-a granted gift, a present possession, a sole source
-to have the Son is to have life

V. So what?

-The “last” word on the Son proceeds from the Father who knows Him best.
-“Unbelief is not a misfortune to be pitied; it is a sin to be deplored.” -J. Stott
-“Do we long to see Jesus receive the honor due His name? Are we caught up into the gladness
that God has in the glory of the Son?” -J. Piper
-Unapologetically and lovingly declare the exclusivity of Jesus!

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