Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 6, 2015
“Operation Preparation” Matthew 3:1-12 Bible Study 12/06/15
This morning we turn our focus to Matthew’s gospel and his account of the preparatory role of John the Baptist as it relates to the ministry of Jesus. Our passage today contains both prophetic fulfillment and profound declaration. Because Jesus is the True King, recognize His authority and resolve to trust Him alone.
I. Preparation begins with repentance (1-6)
-“In those days…” –following a period of prophetic silence
-connecting Matthew 2 and Matthew 3
-John the Baptist: birth, role (Isa. 40:3), appearance
-“comes” preaching: “heralding”
-repent: total alteration
-Kingdom of Heaven
-John’s baptism and “confessing their sins”
II. Preparation demands awareness of reality (7-10)
-Pharisees: self-righteous ritualists
-Sadducees: skeptical “modern thought” aristocrats
-John’s address: “spawn of snakes”
-Two commands: bear fruit and don’t presume
III. Preparation involves anticipation (11-12)
-of the supremacy of Jesus
-of the power of Jesus- Holy Spirit and fire
– of the authority of Jesus- “He rules the world…”
IV. For Further Thought
-Advent from the Latin “adventus”- “coming. It can lengthen the joy of Christmas. Don’t let Christmas find you “unprepared.”
-“Christmas is an indictment before it becomes a delight. We need a Savior.” (Piper)
-“Let every heart prepare Him room…He comes to make His blessings flow far as the curse is found…” (Watts)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 29, 2015
“A Marriage Made in Heaven” Genesis 24 Bible Study 11/29/15
The story of a search for a bride for Isaac comprises the longest chapter in Genesis. In it we see a strong validation of the hand of God’s providence. Today, that hand of providence continues to coordinate circumstances for the accomplishment of His purposes.
I. Model the faithfulness of God (1-9)
-a relational relay
-a recognized relationship
II. Saturate your circumstances in prayer (10-28)
-an expedition bathed in prayer
-making work effective not unnecessary
III. Determine to follow where God leads (29-67)
-response of humility
-response of immediacy
IV. Grasp the bigger picture
-divine initiative and human responsibility
-recognizing the Chief Actor
-Rebekah and the Bride of Christ
-Because the Lord providentially governs your life for your good and His glory, faithfully follow Him in your present circumstances.
-Faith is the assurance that God will do what He wants to do and not what you want Him to do.
-Water the camels!
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 22, 2015
“…Now I Know that You Fear God…” Gen. 22:1-19 Bible Study 11/22/15
Our text this morning focuses on the Lord’s testing of Abraham with reference to his beloved son, Isaac. This powerful narrative is loaded with drama and emotion. In this story we learn about the Lord’s character and His faithfulness. We also get a picture of robust biblical faith.
I. View the crisis from God’s perspective (1-2)
-“…After these things…”
-character of the test
-conditions preceding the test
-specific command
II. Observe Abraham’s compliance with the command (3-5)
III. Observe Abraham’s confidence in God’s provision (6-10)
-accounting: Heb. 11:17-19
-expressing: v.8- “…God will provide for Himself…
IV. Consider the Lord’s response (11-19)
-“…for now I know…”
-don’t miss the repetition
-The Lord “will see…”
-affirmation of promises
-a clearly theocentric focus
V. So what?
-When you truly fear The Lord , you release His gifts and rely on His promises.
-Make the connection to the cross (Rom. 8:32)
-Remember that the Lord is more concerned that you lift up the cross than He is that you ascend the ladder of “success.”
-When the bottom falls out, your theology will restore you or ruin you.
– Prize the promises of God!
-Accurate theology leads to overflowing doxology.
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 15, 2015
Guest speaker: David Norman
The Faithfulness of God and the Joy of His People (Genesis 21:1–7)
God is faithful and Fulfills His Promises (v. 1–2).
God’s Faithfulness Leads Us to obedience (v. 3–5).
God’s Faithfulness Leads Us to joy (v. 6–7).
The faithfulness of God leads us to __________ and ___________ .
If we lack these, perhaps it demonstrates a lack of ____________ in the character of God.
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 8, 2015
“The Answer is ‘Yes’” Genesis 18:16-33 Bible Study 11/08/15
The key question in today’s text, which is related to the impending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, anticipates a positive answer. Not only is the Lord able to do whatever He pleases, but also, whatever He does is right. You can count on Him to do the right thing-always!
I. The message of coming judgment for sin offends many people.
-Abraham, Job (1:21) and Paul (Rom. 3:4)
-people of Sodom
-friendship with Abraham
II. Sin cries out for judgment. Not one wrong escapes the Lord’s notice.
-outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah
-sins of the cities (Ezek. 16, Jer. 23, Jude 7)
III. Don’t confuse the Lord’s patience with the Lord’s tolerance.
-certainty of judgment
-Ezek. 16:49 and Luke 17:28-30
IV. Observe the remarkable prayer of intercession.
-Abraham’s response
-humility, persistence and specificity
-the righteous and the wicked
V. What now? We are all sinners who deserve judgment.
-Take prayer personally.
-Take truth seriously.
-Take refuge immediately.
-Because the Lord’s mercy flows even in the midst of judgment, recognize His righteousness and rejoice in His revelation.
-“Now let no sin cause you to flee, or make you suffer loss, our God is free and Christ has died, rejoice before His cross.” (Piper)
-the “miracle” of mercy…
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 1, 2015
“Back to the Future” Genesis 17 Bible Study 11/01/15
This morning we turn our attention to Genesis 17 and the Lord’s communication with Abram/Abraham. In this chapter the Lord reiterates and expands on the instructions/promises He has conveyed previously. In the events leading up to Genesis 17, we may observe that Abram did what most of us have done when presented with situations that seem incompatible with God’s promises: He attempted to run ahead of God. A look back to his experience can give us perspective and teach us to anticipate God’s faithfulness in every facet of our lives.
I. Understand the substance of God’s design
-to stagger you
-to show you
II. Affirm the scope of God’s dominion
-El Shaddai
-significance of a name change
III. Acknowledge the center of God’s desire
-renewal of covenant promises
-“…walk before me…blameless…”
-Ishmael and Isaac
-same day submission
IV. So what?
-Because the Lord keeps His promises, anticipate His future faithfulness in every facet of your life.
-“God loves to magnify His sovereign grace and keep us in our humble place.” (Piper)
-Orient your life to God’s presence and God’s promises.
– It really is all about Jesus (John 8:58)!
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 25, 2015
“Not a Problem!” Genesis 15:1-6 Bible Study 10/25/15
After having considered the Lord’s calling of Abram and the Lord’s faithfulness to him, our focus this morning turns to the Lord’s power and His capacity to address the seemingly impossible problems in our lives.
I. Don’t Fear: The Lord is your Shield and Reward
-significance of “After these things…”
II. Don’t Fret: The Lord is the Owner of all
-Abram’s address:”…O Lord GOD…”
-Eliezer of Damascus: slave as heir?
-Abram: father of any/many
-“…the word of the LORD came…”
-“…your very own son…”
-“…So shall your offspring be.”
III. Do Delight: The Lord wants you to know His will
-when promise and problem intersect
-repetition, clarification and expansion
-commentary of Psalm 147:3-4
IV. Do Depend: The Lord keeps His promises
-verse 6: believed…counted…righteousness
-repeated in Rom. 4:3, Gal. 4:6, Jas. 2:23
-The Lord’s confirmation points us to the cross (Gen. 15:7-20)
-Isaiah 45:22
V. So what?
-Because the Lord has the power to protect you and provide for you, understand that your circumstances pose no problem for Him.
-Expect Him to be what you call Him.
-“I am the God of the stars, They do not lose their way, Not one do I mislay, Their times are in my hand, They move at my command.” (A. Carmichael)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 18, 2015
“Father Abraham Has Many Sons…” Genesis 12:1-9 Bible Study 10/18/15
This morning we turn our attention to the call of Abram who was later designated by the Lord as “Abraham.” Despite his flaws, this man is called the “friend of God” and is cited in Hebrews 11 as an example of one with God-pleasing faith. The Lord’s call and his response are the twin emphases in our text.
I. Acknowledge two major divisions in Genesis
-Genesis 1-11
-Genesis 12-50
II. Recognize the important role of Abraham
-role in redemption
-recipient of promises: land/nation/blessing
-designation as the “friend of God”
III. Reflect on the call of Abraham (1)
-ancient city of Ur
-a command with escalating consequences
-Acts 7 and Genesis 12:1
IV. Examine the Lord’s covenant with Abraham (2-3)
-provisions of security and significance
-fulfillment in Jesus Christ
V. Observe the response of Abraham (4-9)
-mobilization at age 75
-commentary of Hebrews 11:8-10
-a prepared altar
-a pitched tent
VI. So what?
-Knowing that the Lord keeps His promises, respond to His word with an obedient faith that mobilizes and magnifies.
-Stand on the promises and refuse to “sit on the premises.”
-See yourself as a sojourner.
-Remember your status as “a child of the King.”
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 11, 2015
“Babble at Babel” Genesis 11:1-9 Bible Study 10/11/15
The story of the tower of Babel reminds us of the futility of human rebellion and warns us of the danger of pride.
I. Introduction
-table of nations (Gen. 10)
-Babel (Gen. 10:10)
II. Man proposes 1-4
-key word: “come”
-one language…
-eastward migration to Shinar
-make bricks…build city/tower…make name…
-disregard for God’s word (Gen. 9:1)
III. God disposes 5-9
-divine inspection
-divine evaluation
-divine interruption
IV. So what?
-When you attempt to raise yourself in pride, expect God to bring you down in confusion.
-A repeated reminder: God has declared war on pride. (Prov. 3:34, James 4:6, Luke 18:14)
-Exult in the invitation of Matt. 11:28-30.
-“Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail, in Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail…” (Grant)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 4, 2015
No audio today due to equipment malfunction.
“The Ark and Your Anchor” Genesis 7:1-8:19 Bible Study 10/04/15
The biblical account of the flood tells us about a deluge of water, a specifically designed boat, the ingathering of animals and the preservation of Noah’s family. While these matters are important, they point us to the matter of greatest importance. The ultimate focus of Genesis 7-8 is the character of the living God.
I. Two lessons from the life of Noah
-Respond actively to the revelation you’ve received.
-Relish practically the reality that God remembers you.
II. Consider the scope of the flood
-language of text
-lesson in NT
III. Four flood theology observations
-Observe the mercy of God.
-Observe the faithfulness of God.
-Observe the patience of God.
-Observe the justice of God.
IV. So what?
-Receive the offered deliverance.
-Resolve to join the rescue team.
-connection to Jesus
-Hebrews 6:19!
-Because of who God is, you can have hope!