Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 20, 2016
“Keep Yourselves in the Love of God” Jude 1, 17-20 Bible Study 11/20/16
This morning we will examine a pivotal text in the frequently neglected book of Jude. It is essentially a polemic against false teachers and a warning for believers to persevere in right doctrine and right living. Believers are to persevere by keeping themselves in the love of God. Our text this morning communicates the specifics of how such a “keeping” is done. Those who are kept by God keep themselves in the love of God.
I. Keep yourselves in the love of God (21a)
-apparent conflict: verse 1 and verse 21
-“Grace is opposed to earning-not effort.” (Willard)
-fire insurance or fire endowment?
-How? Persevere: contend v. 3, remember v. 17
-specifically: three participles modify the main verb “keep” v.21
A. Build on your faith (20a)
-doctrinal conformity
-personal commitment
-avoiding the anesthesia of idolatry
B. Pray in the Holy Spirit (20b)
-intoxicated prayer
-use the words He inspired
-relationship requires communication
C. Wait for God’s mercy (21b)
-not passive
-Let future assurance shape present activity.
-“We have the presence and the promises of God. We are meant to march to that great music.” (Carmichael)
-Erupt in doxology (25)
-The foundation for finishing well is a riveted focus on the faithful love of God.
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 13, 2016
Guest Speaker: Dr. Madison Grace.
“The Nature of Authority” 2 Peter 1:12-21
Lesson outline not available.
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 6, 2016
“For This Very Reason” 2 Peter 1:1-11 Bible Study 11/06/16
This morning we begin a new study in 2 Peter, which was Peter’s final recorded correspondence. Writing to the same original recipients addressed in 1 Peter, Peter continued to offer inspired insights for believers living in the midst of persecution and cultural confusion. He wanted his readers to be assured that God’s power and promises provided everything necessary for their growth in conformity to Christ. Therefore, we can summarize his instruction in 1: 1-11 with the following statement: In light of the Lord’s power and promises, passionately pursue the goal of growth in likeness to Christ.
I. Practice biblical “choreography” (5-7)
-affirmation of effort: bring in diligence
-power of favor precedes our labor
-spiritually “fit out” the chorus
-seven-fold application of faith: banking on Christ
*moral excellence: virtue
*knowledge: discernment
*self-control: strict training
*perseverance: unswerving devotion
*godliness: reflecting God’s character
*brotherly kindness: family affection
*love: origin in the agent not the object
II. Prioritize biblical productivity (8-9)
-possession and progression
-neither ineffective nor unproductive in knowledge
-not blind or myopic
III. Prize biblical certainty (10-11)
-be diligent to confirm: cooperation
-observe the order: calling and election
-two results:
*no falling beyond recovery
*no hindered entrance
-confirmation by continuation
IV. So what?
-Affirm divine sovereignty and human responsibility.
-Remember: “Grace is opposed to earning-not to effort.” (D. Willard)
-Assess life biblically: “Three things are called precious in the Scripture: the blood of Christ is called “precious blood,” 1 Peter 1:19; and faith is called “precious faith,” 2 Peter 1:1; and the promises are called “precious promises,” 2 Peter 1:4.” (T. Brooks)
-Feed your mind with the promises of God.
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 30, 2016
Guest Speaker: David Norman
Holding on until Help Arrives
1 Peter 5:1–11
Four Anchors to Weather the Storm
I. Cling to a trusted pastor (vv. 1–4)
II. Cling to a humble heart (vv. 5–7)
III. Cling to a shared suffering (vv. 8–9)
IV. Cling to an eternal perspective (vv. 10–11)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 23, 2016
“The Truth about Suffering” 1 Peter 4:12-19 Bible Study 10/23/16
Our text this morning leads us to understand that, while Christ hung on the cross so that we wouldn’t have to suffer hell, He did not die so that we wouldn’t have to suffer here. Suffering for the cause of Christ, according to Scripture, is both prescribed and purposeful for the believer. When you treasure Christ above all things, your faith enables you to thank and trust Him in the furnace of suffering.
I. Respond biblically (12-13)
-do not be surprised…
-do keep on rejoicing
-indication of identification
-intensification of intimacy
II. Remember specifically (14-16)
-support from heaven
-opportunity to show your satisfaction
-participating in a purging process
III. Rely actively (17-19)
-entrust for safekeeping
-His permission and purpose
-engage in active obedience
IV. So what?
-Acknowledge the twin truths of suffering and glory.
-Bank on the utter reliability of God in Christ.
-Repudiate the prosperity gospel by living out the biblical gospel.
-Mission 1:8/Fuel the Fire: Availability (Jn. 6:1-14)
Sustenance (Jn. 6:22-40)
Stewardship (2 Cor. 8-9)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 16, 2016
“Armed with an Attitude” 1 Peter 4:1-6 Bible Study 10/16/16
Our passage this morning is an application of the key truths found in 1 Peter 3:18-22. Believers share in Christ’s victory and also share in His sufferings. Believers are enabled to suffer for Christ when they rely on the accomplishment of His death and arm themselves with His attitude. In this rich text we will observe that we should expect suffering if we participate in the Lord’s rescue operation and that we should select suffering for the sake of an authentic Christian testimony.
I. Run to the roar (1)
-Boniface (Seventh Century): “Let us stand fast in what is right and prepare our souls for trial. Let us neither be dogs that do not bark or silent onlookers, nor paid servants who run away before the wolf. Instead, where the battle rages, let us find ourselves. Run towards the roar of the lion! Run towards the roar of the battle! That is where Christ’s most glorious victories shall be won.”
-because Christ died
-arm yourselves with a mindset
II. Resist the path of least resistance (1)
-suffering that signifies a clean break
-personal obedience over pain avoidance
III. Refuse to waste any more time (2-3)
-embracing the will of God as the higher value
-you don’t need some more time to sin
-the degradation of the undelivered
IV. Anticipate the accountability of adversaries (4-5)
-their shock and slander
-you don’t need the last word-God has it
V. Anticipate triumph even in death (6)
-gospel not proclaimed in vain to Christians now dead
-alive with Christ
-wherever He leads and whatever the cost
VI. So what?
-fueling the fire for Mission 1:8
-Gen. 12:1-3: called to the unseen
-Gen. 15:1-6: trusting the promise of God
-Gen. 17:1-8: acknowledging your new identity
-Gen. 22:1-18: absolute surrender
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 9, 2016
“Resources for Reality” 1 Peter 3:13-22 Bible Study 10/09/16
Our text this morning focuses on the reality of suffering for believers. Specifically, it focuses on suffering that comes as a result of our commitment to and identification with Christ. In contrast to those who dismiss or deny outright the concept of a believer’s suffering, these verses treat it as something to both expect and embrace. Let the truths of Christ’s substitutionary death and triumphant resurrection motivate you to magnify His worth in your own suffering.
I. Catch the context
-between two “calls” to suffer
-3:13-17: Don’t fear and Do honor Christ…
II. Ponder the suffering of Christ (18)
-mindset of Christianity
-comfort or conquest?
III. Savor the sufficiency of Christ (18)
-died for sins
-died for unjust
-died once for all time
-died to bring us to God
IV. Reflect on the days of Noah (19-20)
-in the spirit
-proclamation to spirits now in prison
-encouragement and assurance
V. Consider the correspondence of baptism (21)
-flood and baptism
-not baptismal remission of sins
-appeal to God
VI. Rest in the reign of Christ (22)
-ascended and enthroned
-all subjected to Him
VII. So What?
-“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” (J. Elliot)
-“No wound? No scar? Yet as the Master shall the servant be, And pierced are the feet that follow Me. But thine are whole. Can he have followed far Who hast no wound or scar?” (A. Carmichael)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 2, 2016
“Identity Confirmation” 1 Peter 3:1-12 Bible Study 10/02/16
Our text this morning should be connected carefully to all that precedes it in 1 Peter. Chapter 1 emphasizes the believer’s hope and the necessity of holiness. Chapter 2 begins with a stirring reminder of the identity of believers as God’s temple and God’s people. The rest of the chapter addresses citizens and servants and their identity as citizens of heaven and servants of Christ. With chapter 3, two more distinct groups are addressed: wives and husbands. Finally, 1 Peter 3:8-12 makes an all-inclusive appeal for believers to live out their identity as God’s people. When God’s people apply their identity in their temporal relationships, the gospel is magnified and God is glorified.
I. Wives: Hope in God (1-6)
-Reverence for God motivates submission. (1-2)
-Inward character counts more than external cosmetics. (3-5)
-Confident expectation enables courageous compliance. (6)
-Consider the “window” of your marriage.
-What’s it like to be married to me?
-Confirm the location of your hope.
-When wives, and all believers, hope in God, they value what He values and fulfill His designed function for them.
II. Husbands: Practice Holy Husbandry (7)
-Exercise active sensitivity.
-Assign specific honor.
-Accentuate uninterrupted fellowship.
-Is my wife more like Jesus because she is married to me?
-Believing husbands are called to a holy husbandry that nurtures and cherishes their wives to the glory of God.
III. All Believers: Offer a Blessing Instead (8-12)
-Prioritize being a certain kind of people. (8)
-Practice a certain kind of behavior. (9)
-Pursue a certain kind of fear. (10-12) (Psa. 34:11-16)
-Enabled by the Lord’s power and motivated by fear of Him, believers can resist retaliation and respond with blessing.
-Remember who you are and whose you are.
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 25, 2016
“Substitution: Heart of the Gospel” 1 Peter 2:24-25 Bible Study 09/25/16
Our text for this morning has been called an “explicit statement of the heart of the Gospel.” In it, we learn that Christ is more than simply our example in suffering. He suffered as our substitute in order to save us!
I. Pay attention to the context
-submission to government (1:13-17)
-submission as slaves (1:18-23)
-scope of suffering
-shift from affirmation to application
II. Understand the nature of Christ’s sufferings for you (24a)
-He alone
-our: beneficial for all believers
-substance: bore our sins (Isa. 53:11-12)
-sphere: in his body
-sense: on the tree as a curse
III. Ponder the purpose of Christ’s sufferings for you (24b)
-die to sin
-live to righteousness
-satisfaction, sacrifice and substitution
IV. Assess the impact of Christ’s sufferings for you (24c-25)
-healed like a diseased person
-brought home like a lost sheep
V. So What?
-Since Christ, the Shepherd, is the standard for your suffering and the substitute for your sins, follow His path of obedience in every circumstance.
-“We must be enemies to sin since Christ was a sacrifice for it.” (Charnock)
-“Nay, verily, we will sooner have our tongue cut out than cease to speak of the precious blood of Jesus Christ.” (Spurgeon)
-“My sin-O the bliss of this glorious thought!- My sin, not in part, but the whole, is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more: Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul!” (Spafford)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 18, 2016
“Who’s in the House?” 1 Peter 2:4-6 Bible Study 09/18/16
I. Introduction
-shift from the individual to the community
-Because Jesus Himself is the foundation and focus of God’s house, those in it should throb with
His power and praise.
II. Inclusion involves coming to Jesus continually
-constantly drawing near
-to the stone that lives
-who was rejected and elected
III. Identity flows from connection to Jesus personally
-living stones
-being built up
-spiritual house
-holy priesthood
IV. Activity focuses on valuing Jesus supremely
-choice location and controlling stone
-not put to shame: tremendous encouragement
V. So What?
-Understand that the Lord makes you who you are so that you can make known who He is.
-Grasp the options: enjoy deliverance or experience downfall
-Embrace your identity in the house of God.
-Accept the assignment of proclaiming His excellencies.