Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 13, 2019
Guest Speaker: Dr. Barry McCarty
Professor at SWBTS
Praying with Power
Colossians 4:2-4
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 6, 2019
Body Language
Ephesians 4:1-16
When Christ’s body is nourished by and conforms to Him, it manifests a maturity which results in unity.
-note the transition from doctrine to duty
1. Unity depends on conformity (1-2)
• a worthy walk: one people, set apart
• five qualities: humility, gentleness, patience, forbearance and love
2. Unity flows out of the unity of God (3-6)
• spare no effort!
• repetition of “one”
• visible appearance and invisible reality
3. Unity receives enrichment through diversity of gifts (7-12)
• from all of us to each of us
• does not always mean uniformity
• saving grace and serving grace
• given by the ascended Christ (Psa. 68:18)
• five lists with at least 20 gifts in the NT
• five gifts here: apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers
• immediate and ultimate purpose
4. Unity requires the maturity of believers (13-16)
• “…conformity to Christ in the context of relationship to the corporate body.” (Stott)
• three senses of unity
• doctrinal instability marks the immature
• the balance of truth and love
• the emphasis upon the Head
5. So What?
• Though with a scornful wonder men see her sore oppressed, by schisms rent asunder, by heresies distressed, yet saints their watch are keeping, their cry goes up, “How long?” And soon the night of weeping shall be the morn of song. (S. Stone)
• perspective on love: the overflow of joy in God that gladly meets the needs of others (Piper)
• Seeking the path of least resistance is what makes rivers crooked.
• “If I have more truth on my lips than grace in my heart, I damage the body.” (J. MacGorman)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 29, 2019
To Him Who Is Able
Ephesians 3:14-21
Our text this morning contains the second profound prayer of Paul in his letter to the Ephesians. Because of God’s incomparable character and unlimited capacity, you can experience His enablement and empowerment.
1. Introduction (14-16a)
• For this reason… (v. 14, v. 1: parenthetical digression of 3:2-13)
• posture points to intensity
• from exposition to intercession
• concept of family which proceeds from God the Father
• according to His inexhaustible resources
2. The Prayer (16b-19)
• strength: strengthened with power through the Spirit in your inner man so that Christ may be at “home”
• love: rooted (horticultural) and grounded (architectural) in love (depth as opposed to the superficial)
• knowledge: grasp of the surpassing love of Christ (four dimensions) with all the saints
• fullness: filled with all the fullness of God (points to completion)
3. The Doxology (20-21)
• “The highest aspirations are not beyond God’s power to bestow.” (J. Stott)
• able to do, able to do what we ask, able to do what we ask or think, able to do all, more, much more, way much more (according to resurrection power)
• The Giver gets the glory in the church and in Christ in the realm of time and for eternity.
• Amen: so be it!
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 22, 2019
Being Built Together
Ephesians 2:11-22
-The most serious form of alienation is theological.
-Two focal groups: Gentiles and Jews
–When you remember that Christ brings near the far off, you can celebrate your status with the saints.
1. Remember your former status (11-12)
• separated, alienated and estranged
• without hope and without God
2. Reflect on what Christ has done (13-18)
• brought near
• became our peace
• broke down wall
• by abolishing, creating and reconciling
• preaching of peace and provision of access
3. Recognize your present status (19-22)
• God’s kingdom
• God’s family
• God’s temple (Isa. 28:16)
4. So What?
• Remember to remember!
• Refuse to build walls that have been torn down by Christ.
• Recognize that “the ground is level at the foot of the cross.”
• Remember to “pass the peace.”
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 15, 2019
Gripped by Grace
Ephesians 2:1-10
-The undeserved character of what God has done for you in Christ should compel you to be a living testimony of His grace.
1. Grasp the depiction of your condition without Christ (1-3)
• dead in trespasses and sins
• enslaved by the world, the devil and the flesh
• condemned as children of wrath
2. Grasp the design of God’s rescue through Christ (4-7)
• the mighty adversative
• the main verb (5)
• marked by mercy
• meant to demonstrate
3. Grasp the description of God’s creation in Christ (8-10)
• saved by grace through faith
• recipients of God’s gift
• workmanship created in Christ Jesus (identity)
• for good works (activity) (Eph. 4:1)
4. So What?
• “What do you and I boast about? What subject of conversation most arouses us and fills our hearts? Do we consider knowing God to be the greatest treasure in the world, and by far our greatest privilege? If not, we are but pygmies in the world of the Spirit…We have sold our Christian birthright for a mess of pottage and our true Christian experience will be superficial, inadequate and tragically out of focus.” (S. Ferguson)
• “Nothing sets a man so outside the devil’s reach as humility.” (J. Edwards)
• “We are saved by grace. We grow by grace. We get home by grace.” (J. MacGorman)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 8, 2019
Eyes Wide Open!
Ephesians 1:15-23
-The more you are able to see your privileges, the more you will be able to live in light of them.
-transition from benediction to intercession
-noting the connection between prayer and praise
-assessing your appetite
1. Overview of the prayer (15-18a)
• prompted by report of their faith in Christ and love toward saints
• focused on knowledge that flows from experience and understanding
• impossible apart from revelation and illumination
• “heart” references the entire inward self
2. Elements of the prayer (18b-23)
• the hope of God’s call
• the glory of God’s inheritance
• the greatness of God’s power
• amplification: exaltation and authorization of Christ (Psalm 110:1)
3. So What?
• Assess the matters of your mind’s attention and your heart’s affection.
• Consider the content of your prayers for others and for yourself.
• Determine to be a doctrinally-informed and doctrinally-enabled believer.
• sinking sand or solid rock?
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 1, 2019
To the Praise of His Glory
Ephesians 1:3-14
I. Introduction to Ephesians
• prison letter (Eph., Phil., Col., Phile.)
• theme: the church as the body and bride of Christ
• chapters 1-3: doctrine
• chapters 4-6: duty
• intercession, affirmation, evangelism
• theological treatise
• 1:1-2: apostle, saints, in Christ, grace/peace
II. Hymn of Praise 1:3-14
• Because God is the source of every blessing you enjoy, your life should be a living doxology!
A. Structure
1. doxology in one long Greek sentence
2. hymn with three verses and a repeated refrain
3. trinitarian: Father, Son, Holy Spirit
B. God the Father (3-6)
1. blessed- eulogeo
2. union with Christ
3. doctrine of election: chosen, predestined
4. concept of adoption
C. God the Son (7-12)
1. redemption
2. forgiveness of trespasses according to grace
3. mystery
4. fullness of time
5. inheritance
D. God the Holy Spirit (13-14)
1. sealed
2. pledge
III. So What?
• Resist the lure of the entitlement mentality.
• Remember that good theology always leads to doxology.
• Saturate yourself with the reality of the surpassing worth of God.
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 25, 2019
“Soul Surgery” Titus 3:3-7 Bible Study 08/25/19
-With powerful theological precision, Paul communicates the doctrinal basis of good works by magnifying the transforming triumph of grace.
–The Lord’s methodology in saving you should be your motivational foundation for serving Him.
I. Reflect on the past with purpose
• don’t resent/do remember
• seven marks: foolish, disobedient, deceived, enslaved, malice, envy, hateful
II. Reflect on the present with gratitude
• but…
• seven marks in one sentence: kindness, love for man, save, regeneration, renewal, justified, heirs
III. So What?
• “The Bible’s message, however, is that the gospel is just as necessary for the Christian as for the unbeliever. We are to base the ‘duty’ of discipleship on the gospel, resulting in the practice of a Christ-based acceptance with God and a Spirit-energized approach to the pursuit of holiness. The so-called duty of discipleship then becomes a joy and a delight even though it requires vigorous effort. So learn to ‘preach the gospel to yourself’ every day, and in the joy and strength of knowing your sins are forgiven and sin’s dominion is broken, press on to become holy as He is holy.” (Jerry Bridges)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 18, 2019
“Amazing Grace” Titus 2:11-14 Bible Study 08/18/19
-understanding the idea of grace: extension of favor undeserved and unearned
-understanding the objective of grace: the concept of adornment (2:10)
-Because God personifies grace in Jesus, live a life that magnifies His saving power.
1. Grace invades dramatically (11)
• reference to incarnation
• not just a divine attribute but a divine person
• an “admirable conjunction of diverse excellencies”
• not just a past event but a continuing experience
• bringing salvation
2. Grace instructs presently (12)
• training…
• negatively: renunciation of ungodliness and worldly passions
• positively: inward, outward and upward
3. Grace incites expectancy (13-14)
• waiting
• blessed hope
• affirmation of the deity of Jesus
• grace then glory
• principle of substitution
• purchased, purified, possessed
• resulting passion
4. So What?
• Let yourself be awed continually by the wonder and worth of Jesus.
• Let the reality of grace fuel your passion to please God.
• Let the “anchor of your hope dangle out of heaven.”
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 11, 2019
“Spiritual Hygiene” Titus 1:1-9 Bible Study 08/11/19
When you adhere to God’s truth, you put in place the foundation for conformity to Christ and the conduct of good works.
Background Information
-written from Nicopolis (66-67) after first missionary journey
-Crete: Mediterranean Sea southeast of Greece
-key issues addressed:
-stress on sound doctrine
-Paul: a mastered minister
-Titus: a child with a charge
1. Adhere to the truth (1-4)
• significant salutation
• embrace the mission
♦ evangelism of the “elect”
♦ edification through truth leading to godliness
♦ encouragement in hope
• maximize the message
♦ the never-lying God
♦ promised before time
♦ manifested in the word
• employ the methodology
♦ public proclamation
♦ sacred trust
♦ grace and peace
2. Appoint qualified leadership (5-9)
• assess the assignment
♦ set in order
♦ appoint elders
♦ interchangeable terms: elder, overseer, pastor
• identify the qualifications
♦ reputation
♦ purity
♦ family
♦ character
♦ teaching
3. So What? 4 Observations
• structure of governance
• significance of doctrine
• satisfaction of leaders
• centrality of God