Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 26, 2023

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

John 11:1-57

1. The Death of Lazarus 1-16

• informed of Lazarus’ illness
• forecast of the outcome of the illness
• Jesus makes no immediate movement
• Jesus plans to go to Judea and His disciples protest
• Jesus confirms Lazarus’ death

2. Jesus Meets with Martha 17-27

• Lazarus dead for four days: Martha stirring /Mary sitting (Luke 10:38-42)
• Martha’s expression of regret and faith
• Jesus turns the conversation to resurrection: restoration, continuation and consummation
• acting on the truth of Jesus’ identity

3. Jesus Meets with Mary 28-32

• Martha calls her sister and she “rises”
• Mary’s homage and similar sentiment

4. Lazarus Is Raised 33-44

• indicators of expectation
• emphasis on emotions
• emphasis on the reality of Lazarus’ death (“He stinketh”)
• prayer of thanksgiving and summons (“Here! Outside!”)
• Lazarus comes out of the tomb

5. Reactions to the Miracle 45-57

• genuine trust
• plotting to kill Jesus: prophecy of Caiaphas and God’s sovereign superintendence

6. So What?

• Because Jesus is the resurrection and the life, respond to Him with total submission.
• Lazarus: “God has helped”
• “What a foretaste of deliverance; how unwavering our hope…” (“Come, Behold the Wondrous Mystery,”) (Boswell/Bleecker/Papa)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 19, 2023

I Am the Good Shepherd

John 10:1-21

1. Background

• continuation (10:21), castigation and contrast (Ezek. 34:23, Isa. 56:9-12, Psa. 23:1)
• part of the seventh discourse in John (10:1-42)
• tender regard and total rule (Rev. 2:27, Matt. 2:6, Mic. 5:2)

2. Jesus Tells a Story 1-6

• figure of speech: walls, door and door-keeper
• character assessed on the basis of approach
• emphasis on “voice”

3. Jesus Identifies Himself as the Door 7-10

• door and shepherd: both connected to salvation
• exclusive means of entrance
• salvation, security and sustenance
• life abundant in contrast to steal/kill/destroy

4. Jesus Identifies Himself as the Good Shepherd 11-18

• lays down His life for the sheep (repeated emphasis)
• not a hired hand
• the identity of “other sheep”
• emphasis on complete authority and voluntary sacrifice

5. The Repeated Pattern of the Religious Leaders 19-21

• schism: deranged or divine?
• intention of Jesus: transformation from blindness to blazing light (Heb. 13:20-21)

6. So What?

• Because Jesus is a different kind of Shepherd who sacrifices Himself voluntarily for His flock, rely on Him exclusively.
• “For every soul the entrance into the flock of God is through the door of the dying Christ who laid down His life for the sheep, and makes them His sheep who trust in Him.” (Maclaren)
• “…Another sheep safely home.” (Patterson)
• “And so through all the length of days Thy goodness faileth never; Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise within Thy house forever.” (“The King of Love My Shepherd Is,” Baker)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 12, 2023

One Thing I Know

John 9:24-41

1. Background

• after Feast of Tabernacles, light/darkness imagery continues, healing of man born blind
• healing on Sabbath 9:1-7, interaction with neighbors 9:8-12, preliminary discussion 9:13-17, examination of parents 9:18-23

2. Ongoing Controversy 24-27

• pious and blasphemous attack
• sticking with the facts
• a pointed question

3. Attempted Contrast 28-29

• Jesus and Moses
• repetition of “know”

4. Insightful Confirmation 30-34

• the truly amazing thing
• matching their use of “know”
• implication and expulsion

5. Ultimate Clarification 35-41

• “The Jews cast him out from the Temple, and the Lord of the Temple found him.” (Chrysostom)
• disclosure of Jesus
• confession and worship
• condemnation of unbelief

6. So What?

• Knowing that Jesus does the works of God and seeks worshipers, confidently and courageously worship Him.
• “Application is the alignment of God’s people to God’s demand.” (Kuruvilla)
• “There are only two ways of dying: in your sins or in Jesus Christ.” (Lloyd-Jones)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 5, 2023

I Am the Light of the World

John 8:12-20

1. Background

• part of sixth discourse (8:12-59)
• preceded by account of woman caught in adultery (8:1-11)
• in the treasury following the Feast of Tabernacles

2. Jesus Issues a Declaration 12

• second “I Am” statement: against backdrop of quenched lights
• light/darkness imagery (pillar of cloud/fire in Num. 9:15-23)
• promise connected to the declaration (1:4)

3. Pharisees Make an Accusation 13

• intensifying opposition
• legal technicality (Deut. 19:15)
• charge of contradiction (5:31-46)

4. Jesus Offers a Clarification 14-18

• affirmation of origin and destination
• disqualification of Pharisees (9:39)
• the sense in which Jesus judges
• intimacy with the Sender: why Jesus is the “Light of the World”

5. Jesus Makes an Evaluation 19-20

• question of the Pharisees
• you know my Father as little as you know Me
• reminder of divine chronology

6. So What?

• Because Jesus is the exclusive source of illumination for a dark world, keep on following Him.
• Recognize the distinction between continual following and casual adherence.
• “When He puts forth His sheep, He goes before them.” (Maclaren)
• “A charge to keep I have, a God to glorify, who gave His Son my soul to save, and fit it for the sky.” (Wesley)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 29, 2023

Let Him Come to Me and Drink

John 7:25-39

1. Background

• after the bread of life discourse (6:22-59)
• at the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem

2. Jesus Indicts His Audience 25-31

• a brief crowd analysis
• the issue of identity
• you do not know God
• divided opinions and intensified opposition

3. Jesus Asserts His Authority 32-36

• officers sent to arrest Jesus
• futility of the foes of Jesus
• a clueless response

4. Jesus Extends an Invitation 37-39

• an inclusive and free offer (Ex. 17:1-7, Isa. 55:1-2; 58:11)
• qualification: thirst
• consequence: lasting, overflowing satisfaction

5. So What?

• Because Jesus is who and what you need more than anything, satisfy yourself in Him.
• Rejecting Jesus is rejection of God.
• Is your satisfaction flowing out to others?
• “To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus, all the glory evermore to Him, when the race is complete, still my lips shall repeat, yet not I, but through Christ in me.” (Farren/Thompson/Robinson)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 22, 2023

I Am the Bread of Life

John 6:25-40

1. Background

• following feeding of 5000 and Jesus walking on water (1-21)
• part of John’s fourth discourse (22-66)
• the crowd gathers-again! (22-24)

2. Perceptive Diagnosis 25-27

• a question left unanswered
• a piercing analysis
• emphasis on enduring food
• the divine seal of approval

3. Persistent Dullness 28-34

• a question answered
• the work of God
• demand for a sign
• corrective response of Jesus
• continued dullness

4. Powerful Declaration 35-40

• I am the bread of life…
• the language of satisfaction
• repetition of “believe”
• emphasis on the will of the Father

5. So What?

• Because Jesus alone saves and satisfies, come to Him and remain in Him.
• “The plain truth is that it is want of heart, not want of evidence, that keeps people back from Christ.” (Ryle)
• “Jesus did not come to be useful but to be precious.” (Piper)
• “He Is So Precious to Me” (Gabriel) and “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” (Williams)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 15, 2023

Hope at the House of Mercy

John 5:1-18

1. A Miracle by the Pool 1-9a

• third recorded miracle
• Jesus in Jerusalem at feast time
• gathered multitude and its perception
• encounter with a sick man: question and command

2. The Opposition of Religious Leaders 9b-13

• charge of Sabbath violation
• response of a healed man
• withdrawal of Jesus

3. The Pastoral Care of Jesus 14-18

• found him in the temple
• connection between sin and affliction
• caution about future consequences
• identification of Jesus as Healer
• response to persecutors and rationale for their pursuit

4. So What?

• Because Jesus is the Master of Mercy, worship Him as your only hope and ultimate healer.
• Rest in the comprehension, compassion and capability of Jesus.
• Remember that the Lord never takes a day off.
• “O Merciful Redeemer Whom yet unseen we love, O Name of might and favor, all other names above! O bringer of salvation who wondrously hath wrought Thyself the revelation of love beyond all thought! We worship Thee and bless Thee! To Thee alone we sing! We praise Thee and confess Thee, our gracious Lord and King!” (“O Merciful Redeemer” Havergal)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 8, 2023

Jesus, a Samaritan Woman, and Worship

John 4:1-26

1. Jesus Sits at a Well in Sychar 1-6

• from Galilee to Samaria
• weary and by the well at noon

2. Jesus Offers Living Water to a Samaritan Woman 7-15

• comes to draw water
• a request and the resulting conversation

3. Jesus Discloses Himself as the Focus of Worship 16-26

• speaking uncomfortable truth
• a sidetrack to reality
• worship in spirit and truth
• a stunning confirmation

4. So What?

• Because who God is determines how you must worship Him, prioritize His word and prize His Son.
• “Worship is a transitive verb, and the most important thing about it is its direct object.” (Carson)
• Elements of true worship: Word-based, God-centered and Christ-exalting
• “Worthy of Worship” (York/Blankenship)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 1, 2023

Guest Speaker: Dr. Jim Sibley

Ambassadors in Hostile Territory

1 Peter 1

No lesson outline available.

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 25, 2022

No class today.


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