Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 26, 2023

Guest Speaker: Dr. Jim Sibley


The Undercover Messiah

Deuteronomy 18:15-19

I. The Prophet Prophesied: Deuteronomy 18:15–19

a. The Prophet as the Suffering Servant of Isaiah (Isaiah 40–55)
b. The Prophet as the Authoritative Word

II. His Encounter with the Woman of Samaria: John 4

a. An Understanding of the Samaritans’ Identity
b. An Understanding of Jesus’ Identity: John 4:19

1. The Discussion Regarding Water: John 4:10
2. Supernatural Knowledge: John 4:16–18

c. The Unanticipated Result

1. In the Village: John 4:39, 41–42
2. In the Nation: Ezekiel 37:15–22; Acts 8

III. The Feeding of the Five Thousand: John 6

a. The Miraculous Provision of Bread: John 6:8–13
b. The Identity of Jesus Revealed: John 6:14

IV. The Transfiguration: Matthew 17

a. The Correspondence of Time: Exod 24:16; Matt 17:1
b. The Correspondence of Companions: Exod 24:1; Matt 17:1
c. The Correspondence of the Clouds: Exod 19:9; Matt 17:5
d. The Correspondence of the Countenance: Exod 34:29; Matt 17:2

A. M. Ramsey writes, “Moses went up into the Mount . . . and when he came down to the people the skin of his face shone. Here, in contrast is the new and greater Moses, whose face shines not with a reflected glory but with the unborrowed glory as of the sun’s own rays.”

e. The Conversation on the Mount

1. The Exodus of Jesus
2. “Listen to Him”!

Dale Allison says, “It is natural to see in [Matthew] 17:1–9 the greater than Moses theme; for, at the last, Moses and Elijah disappear, and the reader is left with the command to ‘hear him,’ that is, the one Son of God, Jesus.”

The Prophet Still Speaks, “Listen to Him”!


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