Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 11, 2023

Idolatry and the Absence of Fear

Jeremiah 2:1-19

1. Introduction/Background

• warnings of judgment from Jeremiah’s early ministry (2:1-6:30)
• rebuke of Judah’s faithlessness (2:1-37) and the tragedy of forsaking God for worthless idols (2:1-19)

2. Remembering a Past Faithfulness 1-3

• prophetic invocation of authority
• devotion of a bride (Ex. 19-24)
• firstfruits of harvest (Lev. 23:9-14)

3. Rebuking a Present Faithlessness 4-12

• a courtroom challenge
• the principle of becoming like that which you worship (Eccl. 1:2, Psa. 115:4-8)
• ingratitude indicated by defilement, disregard and disloyalty
• the LORD’S accusation of abandonment

4. Recognizing a Foundational Absence 13-19

• Judah’s two sins: forsaken (abandonment) and hewed out (embracing of idols)
• exchanging freedom for bondage and self-inflicted calamity
• solemn warning and insightful assessment (Prov. 1:7)

5. So What?

• Recognizing the LORD’S character and the consequences of idolatry, fear Him and banish every Baal.
• “What we revere we resemble, either for our ruin or restoration.” (G. Beale)
• Acknowledge the connection between ingratitude and idolatry.
• Remember that perceived alternatives to God always lead to destruction.
• “What has stripped the seeming beauty from the idols of the earth? Not a sense of right or duty, but the sight of peerless worth…Draw and win and fill completely till the cup o’erflow the brim; what have we to do with idols who have fellowshipped with Him?” (O. Rowan, “Hast Thou Heard Him, Seen Him, Known Him?”)


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