Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 7, 2023

I Find No Guilt in Him

John 18:28-40

1. Background

• after facing Annas and Caiaphas
• part of the Roman trial narrative (18:28-19:16): intention to emphasize the innocence of Jesus

2. Public Hearing 28-32

• to Pilate’s headquarters early in the morning and the irony of concern about defilement
• Pilate’s outside inquiry and the response of the enemies of Jesus
• Pilate’s emphatic referral and the fulfillment of crucifixion prophecy (12:32-33, Deut. 21:22-23)

3. Private Conversation 33-38a

• this man a king?
• Pilate on the witness stand
• Pilate’s two questions
• Jesus articulates the nature of His kingdom
• truth and pre-postmodernism

4. Proclamation of Innocence 38b-40

• nothing at all amiss (19:4, 6)
• proposal to release
• preference for Barabbas

5. So What?

• Because abandonment of the “true truth” of the innocent Jesus invites disaster, determine to live in the light of God’s evidence.
• Reject relativism and embrace “true truth.” (Schaeffer)
• “Christianity can be expressed in the three phrases: I deserved hell; Jesus took my hell; there is nothing left for me but His heaven.” (Barnhouse)
• “He was lifted up to die; ‘It is finished’ was His cry; now in heaven exalted high: Hallelujah, what a Savior!” (P. Bliss, “Man of Sorrows, What a Name”)


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