Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 16, 2023

Better for You

John 16:5-15

1. Background

• warning of persecution: keep from being “scandalized”
• putting on the “spectacles of Scripture”

2. An Imminent Going and Coming 5-7

• selfishness and sorrow of disciples
• assertion: it is expedient (John 11:50)
• explanation: “The coming for which Christ’s going was needful makes that going a gain.” (Maclaren)
• a lesson in contrasts: Mark 14:50 and Acts 4:31; 5:41

3. The Spirit’s Work in the World 8-11

• His role as Prosecutor bringing about conviction (Acts 2:37)
• concerning sin…unbelief
• concerning righteousness…demonstrated by Christ’s death, resurrection and exaltation (Phil. 3:9)
• concerning judgment…overthrow of Satan

4. The Spirit’s Work in Believers 12-15

• limited perception of disciples
• guidance in the whole sphere of truth
• what is needed as it is needed
• Christ-centered: from accomplishment to application

5. So What?

• Because the Holy Spirit applies the accomplishment of Christ in your life, depend on Him and delight in His work.
• “He is nearer to us when He leaves us, and works with us and in us more mightily from the throne than He did upon the earth.” (Maclaren)
• “We praise Thee, O God for Thy Spirit of Light, Who hath shown us our Savior and scattered our night. Hallelujah! Thine the glory. Hallelujah! Amen. Hallelujah! Thine the Glory. Revive us again.” (Mackay)


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