Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 12, 2023

Sir, We Would See Jesus

John 12:20-36a

1. Background

• last of three significant events recorded
• last recorded words of public ministry
• connecting 12-19 and 20-26

2. Arrival of Seeking Greeks 20-22

• kept on asking
• representative of the world

3. Answer of Soon-Dying Savior 23-26

• the hour has come
• unless a grain falls
• application of analogy

4. Interlude of Prayer and Affirmation 27-30

• prayer of a troubled soul
• “the horror of death and ardour of obedience” (Bengel)
• implications of superintending sovereignty
• audible affirmation from heaven

5. Amplification of the Meaning of the Cross 31-36a

• judgment of the world
• a gospel lifting-up (John 3:14-15)
• acting on the light you have

6. So What?

• Because the cross of Christ is the “magnet” of Christianity, see it as the only death that liberates and the only design to imitate.
• “He is the best Christian who has the clearest knowledge of God in His attributes.” (Baxter)
• “Preach any Christ but a crucified Christ, and you will not draw men for long.” (Torrey)
• “Lift High the Cross” (Kitchin)


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