Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 5, 2023
For the Day of My Burial
John 12:1-11
1. Dinner Is Served 1-2
• after raising of Lazarus and conspiracy to kill Jesus
• six days before Passover at Bethany and emphasis on raising of Lazarus
• Martha serves and Lazarus reclines
2. Mary’s Costly Display of Love 3
• emphasis on costly oil/perfume
• anointing the feet and wiping them with her hair
• fragrance fills the room
3. Judas’ Indignation about “Waste” 4-6
• Iscariot, disciple, one who betrayed
• his question: 300 denarii to the poor people?
• exposure of his motivation: uncaring, thief, pilferer
4. Jesus Commends Mary 7-8
• command to leave her alone
• connection to burial of Jesus
• contrast between presence of the poor and presence of Jesus
5. Intensified Opposition 9-11
• plot to kill Lazarus
• Jesus: not a tragic victim but a voluntary sacrifice
6. So What?
• Because Jesus poured Himself out for you, pour yourself out in love for Him.
• “It’s beautiful when the worth of Jesus and the love of His followers match…when the value of His perfections and the intensity of our affections correspond.” (Piper)
• “Social activism, even that which meets real needs, sometimes masks a spirit that knows nothing about worship and adoration.” (Carson)
• “Broken and Spilled Out” (George/Gaither)