Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 12, 2023

One Thing I Know

John 9:24-41

1. Background

• after Feast of Tabernacles, light/darkness imagery continues, healing of man born blind
• healing on Sabbath 9:1-7, interaction with neighbors 9:8-12, preliminary discussion 9:13-17, examination of parents 9:18-23

2. Ongoing Controversy 24-27

• pious and blasphemous attack
• sticking with the facts
• a pointed question

3. Attempted Contrast 28-29

• Jesus and Moses
• repetition of “know”

4. Insightful Confirmation 30-34

• the truly amazing thing
• matching their use of “know”
• implication and expulsion

5. Ultimate Clarification 35-41

• “The Jews cast him out from the Temple, and the Lord of the Temple found him.” (Chrysostom)
• disclosure of Jesus
• confession and worship
• condemnation of unbelief

6. So What?

• Knowing that Jesus does the works of God and seeks worshipers, confidently and courageously worship Him.
• “Application is the alignment of God’s people to God’s demand.” (Kuruvilla)
• “There are only two ways of dying: in your sins or in Jesus Christ.” (Lloyd-Jones)


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