Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 30, 2022

The Time Is Now

Hosea 10:1-15

1. Introduction

• case study of prosperity’s potential for catastrophe
• irony: abundant crops and total collapse

2. Fruitful but Fruitless Nation 1-2

• vine imagery (John 15:1-11)
• increased fruit/increased altars and improved country/improved pillars
• corrupt hearts and a determination to dismantle

3. Arrogant and Apathetic Disenchantment 3-6

• pictured in the political and religious systems of Israel
• shrugging off a prior demand
• reaping a culture of mistrust and betrayal
• trembling for a calf (1 Kings 13:26-33)
• the shaming of Israel’s glory

4. Definite and Devastating Reckoning 7-10

• dissolution, destruction and desolation
• talking to mountains and hills (Lk. 23:30, Rev. 6:15-17)
• application of the Gibeah episode (Judges 19-20)
• certainty of specific discipline

5. Changed Scenery and Contrasting Harvests 11-15

• from submissive servant to yoked slave
• gracious invitation and glimmer of hope
• affirmation of the law of the harvest (Gal. 6:7-9)
• connection to Christ: Matt. 11:28-30, 2 Cor. 5:21

6. So What?

• Because the Lord’s judgments are sure, now is the time to tremble before Him and trust His righteousness.
• “My Faith Has Found a Resting Place” (E. Hewitt)


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