Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 23, 2022

Let Us Press on to Know the Lord

Hosea 5:15-7:2

1. Desired Reunion 5:15-6:6

• a purposeful withdrawal (5:6)
• a model response
• a current assessment
• repetition of “return”
• the need for a “radical” cure (Ezek. 37:1-4, Eph. 2:1)

2. Devastating Rejection 6:7-7:2

• contrast: a broken marriage and a tenacious love
• a guidebook of the “geography of sin”
• treating the Lord as if He were irrelevant
• hope for a brighter day (Hos. 14)
• connection to the NT and to Christ: 1 Cor. 15:4, John 17:3, Phil. 3:10-16

3. So What?

• Because He is completely and continually loyal to you, cultivate a lifestyle of loyalty to the Lord.
• Recognize that the Lord’s power is the only remedy for man’s plight.
• Reflect on the intersection between your perseverance and the Lord’s provision.
• “Draw me nearer, nearer…” (“I Am Thine, O Lord,” F. Crosby)


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