Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 26, 2022
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That He Might Fulfill His Word
1 Kings 12:1-24
1. An Appeal to the New King 1-5
• coronation at Shechem
• return of Jeroboam
• request and response
2. The King Consults with Advisors 6-11
• old men: conciliation
• narrator’s advance notification
• young men: intimidation
• perspective from a pronoun
3. The King’s Declaration and a Theological Explanation 12-15
• according to the counsel of the young men
• avoiding the tendency to moralize
• a “circumstance coming from Yahweh”
4. The Reality of a Tragic Tearing 16-20
• Rehoboam’s wrong steps
• repetition of the Davidic covenant concept (2 Sam. 7:12-16)
• rebels: rhetorical question and defiant advice
5. A Case of Remarkable Restraint 21-24
• Rehoboam readies for war
• halted by the word of God
• connection to Christ
6. So What?
• Knowing that the LORD is sovereign over every circumstance, count on Him to keep His promises.
• Reflect on the lengths to which the LORD will go to keep a promise.
• “Remember that the LORD is never a victim of circumstances.” (N. Parrish)
• “Standing on the promises that cannot fail, when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, by the living word of God I shall prevail, standing on the promises of God.” (R. Carter)