Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 15, 2022

Loving the Truth

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12

1. Introduction

• previously: ammunition for endurance in 1:1-12
• worthy theology and worshipful doxology
• In a climate of error and instability, believers maintain composure through accurate grasp of truth and profound delight in it.

2. Observe the Objective 1-2a

• to solve a practical, emotional problem
• not shaken or disturbed (Mark 13:7)
• calm and clear

3. Consider the Methodology 2b-3

• truth tailored to the danger of deceit
• tending the garden of your emotions with the tools of biblical truth
• identification of error and decisive warning
• two arguments: apostasy and appearing

4. Process the Information 4-8

• rebellious person whose destiny is destruction
• the enemy of God presently restrained
• destroyed with one “puff”

5. Make the Application 9-12

• Avoid apostasy. (Matt. 24:10-14)
• Love the truth.
• Rest in God’s faithfulness.
• “Though troubles assail, and dangers affright, Though friends should all fail, and foes all unite; Yet one thing secures us, whatever betide, The Scripture assures us, The Lord will provide.” (“The Lord Will Provide,” Newton)


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