Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 1, 2022

Not Left to Ourselves

1 Thessalonians 5:23-28

1. Introduction

• 1 Thessalonians: powerful truths to digest
• 5:23-28: purposeful farewell to dissect
• Because the God of peace secures both your present progress and future preservation, fight the fight of faith with confidence.

2. Emphasize the Source 23a

• now Himself…
• the God of peace

3. Understand the Substance 23b

• present progress in holiness: sanctify entirely
• future preservation in holiness: complete…blameless…at His coming

4. Exult in the Security 24

• He doesn’t withdraw the call!
• He will do it!

5. Four Parting Points 25-28

• reciprocity in prayer
• intimacy of fellowship
• intensity toward the word
• exclusivity of grace

6. So What?

• Cultivate the “habit” of holiness.
• “If this be the provision of the way, what is that of the country?” (J. Janeway)
• “All the Way My Savior Leads Me” (F. Crosby)


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