Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 10, 2022

Easter Message

The Kind of King He Is

Matthew 21:1-11

1. Introduction

• beginning of Passover week
• Matthew’s theme: Kingship of Jesus
• focus: who Jesus is and what He came to do

2. Purposeful Arrangements of Jesus 1-7

• near Jerusalem: Bethphage and Mount of Olives
• disciples dispatched for donkey requisition
• declaration of kingship: riding on a donkey
• scriptural fulfillment of Zech. 9:9: riding on a cloaked colt

3. Positive Response of the Crowd 8-9

• spreading garments and waving branches
• shouting of Scripture: fulfillment of Psa. 118:25-26
• crowd composition and expectations

4. Agitated Response in the City 10-11

• Who is this?
• superficiality, ignorance, opposition, submission

5. So What?

• Because Jesus is who Scripture says He is, worship Him now as Savior, Treasure and King.
• Submit to the kind of King Jesus declares Himself to be.
• Grasp the contrast between His first coming and second coming (Matt. 21 and Rev. 19)
• “Rejoice, the Lord is King” (C. Wesley)


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