Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 27, 2022

For Now We Live

1 Thessalonians 3:6-10

1. Introduction

• Paul’s reflection on Timothy’s positive report
• Knowing the life-giving nature of the gospel, resolve to pour your life into others for the glory of God.

2. Discern the Nature of the Good News 6

• continuing endurance: confidence and conduct
• continuing affection: receptivity and reciprocity

3. Delight in the Development of Others 7-8

• in the midst of costly investment
• the instrument of their faith
• encouragement and enablement from their endurance
• in the Lord

4. Direct Prayer and Thanksgiving to the Source of Life 9-10

• overwhelmed with gratitude
• praying with constancy and intensity
• reunion and reinforcement

5. So What?

• “Remember always the presence of God. Rejoice always in the will of God. Direct all to the glory of God.” (H. Scougal)
• Recognize that a culture of religious spectators and consumers contradicts the biblical concept of Christian life in the context of the church.
• “Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee…” (F. Havergal)


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