Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 19, 2021

Christmas Series

A King for Christmas

Micah 5:1-5

1. Overview of Micah and His Prophecy

• Who is like Yahweh?
• a third “now”: from a period of distress to a proclamation of hope

2. The LORD Works amidst a Backdrop of Humiliation and Hopelessness 1

• prophetic address
• siege and summons

3. The LORD Offers a Hope-Filled Announcement 2

• divine address: but you…”house of bread” and “fruitful”
• “from Bethlehem…for Me”
• ruler over Israel: from David to a greater David (1 Sam. 16:1, Acts 2:25-36)
• back to Bethlehem and David’s “distant” days (2 Sam. 7:12-16)

4. The LORD Provides a Realistic Perspective for the Future 3

• affliction (verse 3) precedes enjoyment (verse 2)
• the mother and brothers of Messiah (Rom. 8:29, Heb. 2:11-14)

5. The LORD Describes the Reign of His King 4-5

• a standing Shepherd and His secured sheep and another “now” (Rev. 22:16)
• the LORD promotes His glory, keeps His promises, protects His people

6. So What?

• Because of the LORD’S promises and performance in Christ Jesus, worship the true King this Christmas.
• “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus” (Wesley), “Once in Royal David’s City” (Alexander)
• “O Come, All Ye Faithful” (Wade)
• We need a King!


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