Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 14, 2021

Under New Ownership

Colossians 3:15-17

1. Contextual Connections for 3:15-17

• seek, set and put to death (3:1-5)
• put off/put on (3:6-14)
• In light of Christ’s supremacy and sufficiency, cultivate a growing awareness of His ownership of you.

2. Let the Peace of Christ Rule… (15)

• act as umpire
• corporate emphasis
• link between peace and gratitude

3. Let the Word of Christ Reside… (16)

• teaching/admonishing with wisdom
• singing with thankfulness

4. Let the Name of Christ Regulate… (17)

• whatever you do in word and deed
• giving thanks to God the Father through Him

5. So What?

• Watch out for the tyranny of the temporary. “Value the weight of eternal things more than the shiny bait of expiring things.” (Reinke)
• A word from A. W. Tozer:
• “Turn your eyes to the hillside where justice and mercy embraced. There the Son of God gave His life for us and our measureless debt was erased.”


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