Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 7, 2021

The Threat of Subtraction by Addition

Colossians 2:16-23

-therefore: connecting 2:16-23 to its context
-Since Christ’s accomplishment on the cross is sufficient, enjoy your freedom and reject legalism.

1. First Command: Let no one judge you… (16-17)

• with reference to food, drink, festival, Sabbath
• in light of the shadow/substance contrast

2. Second Command: Let no one disqualify you… (18-19)

• the one delighting in asceticism and angel worship
• the one detailing what he has “seen”
• the one dilating himself based on his flesh
• the one diminishing the nourishment of the Head

3. One Pressing Question: Why do you submit…? (20-23)

• negative prohibitions connected to perishing things
• promotion of man-made religion which feeds pride
• OT commentary: Isa. 29:13

4. So What?

• “Legalism is always nailing a sign to the cross that says ‘necessary but not enough.’” (MacGorman)
• Grace: God achieves and man receives, Legalism: man achieves and God receives
• Bondage to sin is broken by a more compelling joy, or “the expulsive power of a new affection.” (Chalmers)
• EE/CWT question: If you were to stand before the Lord and He were to ask you, “Why should I let you into my heaven?” what would you say?
• “Come behold the wondrous mystery, Christ the Lord upon the tree. In the stead of ruined sinners hangs the Lamb in victory. See the price of our redemption, see the Father’s plan unfold-bringing many sons to glory, grace unmeasured, love untold.” (Boswell/Papa/Bleeker)


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