Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 10, 2021

Gospel Enablement

Philippians 4:10-20

-previously: prerequisites for peace (2-7)
-bridge to this text: think and practice (8-9)

1. The Learned Commodity of Contentment (10-13)

• rejoicing in a “blossom” of concern
• a delicate appreciation
• the discipline of sufficiency in Christ
• a learned “secret”
• enablement for the assignment

2. The Promised Provision that Promotes Cooperation (14-20)

• exclusive partnership
• a grace-centered commendation
• a fragrant offering
• fullness according to wealth
• directed doxology

3. So What?

• When you rely on the enabling power of Christ, you can live with consistent contentment and confident generosity.
• You can do what the Lord assigns you to do because of the power that He keeps on pouring into you.
• “The power of Christ in Paul was not for the gratification of Paul’s whims but for the carrying out of Christ’s will.” (Robertson)
• “For Paul, contentment is not found in creating our own security but by abandoning our security to Christ.” (Ferguson)
• “Under the shadow of Your throne Your saints have dwelt secure; Sufficient is Your arm alone, and our defense is sure.” (Watts)


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