Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 1, 2021

Satisfaction in a Strange Place: Insights for Life under the Sun

Ecclesiastes 1:1-2:26

1. Introduction/Overview

• authorship: Solomon
• genre: wisdom literature
• structure: Satisfaction evaluated (1:1-2:26), Sovereignty explained (3:1-5:20)

Sovereignty applied (6:1-8:15), Concerns addressed (8:16-12:14)

2. Nature of the Book

• not a book for “cheerful fools”
• not a “grab-bag” of inspirational quotes

3. Three Key Emphases

• vanity, vanity…
• under the sun
• the great gift of God

4. Observations from 1:1-2:26

• search for satisfaction
• inscrutable repetition (1:1-11)
• truth about earthly existence (1:12-2:11)
• God gives things and the capacity to enjoy them (2:12-26)

5. The Doctrinal Foundation for Joy

• defining joy
• sovereignty of God
• grace of God

6. So What?

• Because the search for satisfaction is futile apart from God, commit yourself now to the fundamentals of fellowship with and fear of Him.
• connection to Christ: 2 Cor. 4:7-18
• “Who can satisfy my soul like You? Who can comfort me and love me like you do? Who could ever be more faithful and true? There is a fountain, who is a King, victorious Warrior and Lord of everything. My Rock, my Shelter, my very own, Blessed Redeemer who reigns upon the throne.” (Slaughter) (Psalm 107:9)


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