Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 11, 2021

Job in the Dock

Job 40:1-14

-insightful analogy from C. S. Lewis
-The LORD speaks (38:1-40:2 and 40:6-41:34)
-Job finds himself on the witness stand!

1. Challenge of Intent 1-2

• question that closes the first speech
• the blurred line between Creator and creature
• significance of “LORD” and “Almighty”

2. Speechless Sufferer 3-5

• vocabulary change (19:9, 29:20, 31:37)
• hand over his mouth

3. Challenge of Justice 6-9

• out of the “whirlwind” and “Brace yourself!”
• The LORD will ask the questions now!
• Job: in no position to pass judgment
• the arm and voice of God

4. Challenge of Identity 10-14

• majesty and splendor? (Psa. 93:1-5; 144:4; 147:4)
• answering the “If I were in charge…” lament
• self-savior or in need of a Rescuer?

Connection to Christ: Rom. 8:1; 11:33-36

5. So What?

• In light of God’s Self-revelation, prioritize personal submission to Him when suffering comes.
• “Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light, nor wanting, nor wasting, Thou rulest in might, Thy justice like mountains high soaring above, Thy clouds, which are fountains of goodness and love.” (W. Smith)
• Grow downward in humiliation before God and upward in adoration of Christ. (C. Simeon)
• “Lord, show me myself…Lord, show me Thyself.” (H. McPhail)


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