Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 27, 2021

Wisdom in the Middle of Your Mess

Job 28

-respite from the debate before the final defense of Job 29-31
-interlude on the subject of wisdom

1. Reflect on the inability of human ingenuity (1-11)

• reference to mining
• quest for wisdom

2. Consider the exceeding value of wisdom (12-19)

• rhetorical questions
• preciousness and inaccessibility of wisdom

3. Acknowledge God as the source of wisdom (20-28)

• finally, an answer
• giving weight to the wind (25)
• climactic verse (28): fear Adonai and shun evil

4. So what?

• Because God is the source of wisdom, seek Him in the midst of your suffering.
• Reject all substitutes for wisdom.
• Confess your inability to obtain wisdom apart from God.
• Treasure the wisdom centered in Christ. (1 Cor. 1:30, James 1:5-8)
• “The Perfect Wisdom of our God” (Getty)


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