Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 20, 2021

Hope at the End of the Rope

Job 19:1-29

-second cycle of speeches: response to Bildad
-Job’s description of rejection followed by a stunning declaration of hope
-concept of biblical hope: future and certain

1. Rejected by Friends (1-5)

• sticks and stones…
• reproached 10 times by calloused counselors (16:2)

2. Rejected by God (6-12)

• faulty perspective based on incomplete knowledge
• vivid descriptions
• Satan’s strategy

3. Rejected by Society (13-20)

• vivid descriptions of social alienation
• physical details

4. But Wait! (21-29)

• plea for mercy from a perspective of misery
• desire for a permanent record
• certainty about his Redeemer (Lev. 25:25, Ruth 4:4-6, Col. 1:13-14, Heb. 6:19-20, Heb. 9:12)
• resurrection hope in the OT (Heb. 11:13)
• personal vindication and future retribution

5. So What?

• If you know Jesus, the Redeemer, you have a hope that will sustain you in your suffering.
• Refuse to sugarcoat the reality of suffering and resove to magnify the ministry of presence.
• “Did you preach it with tears?” (McCheyne)
• “I know I shall see in His beauty the King in whose law I delight, who lovingly guardeth my footsteps, and giveth me songs in the night.” (Crosby)


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