Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 6, 2021

Trust God Fully

Job 1:1-22

1. Introduction

• structure: prologue/introduction to Job (1:1-2:10)
• description of Job (1:1-5) and dialogue with Satan (1:6-2:10)
• not to perplex or provoke, but to proclaim the incomprehensible God
• the response of the “righteous” to inexplicable suffering

2. Permission Granted 1:8-12

• commended
• questioned
• conditioned
• Job’s lack of awareness

3. Plan Executed 1:13-19

• Sabeans swoop
• fire from heaven
• Chaldeans conquer
• desert wind
• repetition of “still speaking”

4. Confidence Sustained 1:20-22

• resolve to worship
• acknowledgement of sovereignty
• connection to Christ (1 Peter 3:18)

5. So What?

• Knowing God is in control, worship Him when your world shatters.
• Love God more than self or stuff.
• Reflect on the temporary nature of suffering.
• Learn to live with mystery.
• “Every joy of trial falleth from above, traced upon our dial by the Sun of Love; We may trust Him fully, all for us to do; They who trust Him wholly find Him wholly true.” (Havergal)


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