Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 23, 2021

Guest Speaker: Sherry Forester

Choices Make the Man

Judges 14-16

I. Samson’s willfulness (Judges 14:1-4)

A) Deficient in self-control
B) Disrespected authority
C) Disregarded wise counsel
God uses even our willful choices to accomplish His plans.

II. Samson’s waywardness (Judges 14:5 – 15:20)

A) Dismissed spiritual lessons
B) Disobeyed God
C) Distanced his friends
D) Downplayed his sin
E) Devoted to revenge
God gives undeserved grace to His wayward people.

III. Samson’s wake-up (Judges 16)

God will always achieve His plans.

“You can’t go back and change the beginning,
but you can start where you are and change the ending.”
– C.S. Lewis


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