Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 16, 2021

Taken up to Heaven

Luke 24:50-53

1. Introduction

• doctrine of the ascension of Jesus
• ascension day: 40 days after resurrection
• biblical progression/fulfillment (2 Kings 2:11, Psa. 68:18, Psa. 110:1-4)

2. Insights from Luke’s Ascension Accounts

Luke 24:50-53

• preceded by appearing and opening (24:36-49)
• blessed (Num. 6:24-26)
• parted
• carried
• worship of joyful disciples

3. Acts 1:9-11

• preceded by a preface, clarification and promise (1:1, 6-8)
• lifted up
• cloud escort
• angelic question
• angelic confirmation

4. Applying the Ascension: Vindication, Confirmation, Initiation, Mobilization

5. So What?

• Because of the reality of the ascension of Jesus, experience His constant comfort and anticipate His ultimate exaltation.
• “The dust of the earth is on the throne of the Majesty on High.” (Duncan)
• “…He comes to make His blessings flow, far as the curse is found…” (Watts)
• “And our eyes at last shall see Him, through His own redeeming love, for that Child so dear and gentle is our Lord in heaven above, and He leads His children on to the place where He is gone…” (Alexander)


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