Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 9, 2021

Like the Criminal on the Cross

Luke 23:32-43

1. Background for 39-43

• Luke’s Spirit-inspired and unique perspective (32-33)
• following the “first word” from the cross (34a) and before the record of Christ’s death/burial (44-56)

2. The Saving Inclination of Jesus

• caring about the heart of a condemned criminal
• atoning and going
• surrendering Himself to save sinners (34b-38) (Psa. 22:7-8)

3. The Repenting Representation of the Criminal 39-41

• rebuking the other criminal
• admitting his own guilt
• confessing Jesus as innocent King

4. The Assuring Declaration of Jesus 42-43

• criminal’s request
• a “mind-blowing” response
• implications of a single sentence

5. So What?

• Because of His capacity to save condemned criminals, magnify Christ’s saving grace and your certain future.
• If your ultimate confidence is in your accomplishments, you will abhor this text.
• Never impugn the outrageous nature of God’s grace.
• “The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day; And there may I, though vile as he, wash all my sins away…” (Cowper)


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