Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 2, 2021
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But Not so with You
Luke 22:24-30
1. Background
• in the context of the Lord’s Supper
• preceding the prediction of Peter’s denial
2. The Contention among the Disciples 24
• not the first time (Matt. 20:25-28, Mark 10:42-45)
• a distracted dispute about greatness
• connection to John 13:1-5
3. Jesus Corrects the Disciples with a Command 25-27
• custom of the culture
• emphasizing a striking contrast
• specific command supported by example
4. Jesus Conveys Assurance and Authority to His Disciples 28-30
• gracious assessment
• staggering assignment
• heavenly joy and holy vocation
5. So What?
• Since greatness in God’s sight means humble service, take your cues from Jesus.
• Cultivate gospel humility. (Phil. 2:5-11)
• Remember that you’re not home yet.
• “Then I shall bow in humble adoration…” (Hine)