Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 28, 2021

Hanging on His Words

Luke 19:28-48

1. Introduction

• preceding our text: Zacchaeus (19:1-10) and Ten Minas (19:11-27)
• moving toward Jerusalem and the cross: three symbolic acts that highlight the identity of Jesus

2. Jesus Enters Jerusalem (28-40)

• two disciples dispatched
• prophetic fulfillment (Zech. 9:9-10)
• disciples rejoice and praise (Psa. 118:26)
• objection from some Pharisees
• stones that cry out: inevitable praise

3. Jesus Weeps over Jerusalem (41-44)

• compassion/emotion of Jesus
• a peace hidden from their eyes (John 1:11)
• prediction of demise due to visitation insensitivity
• stones that fall down: inevitable destruction (Hab. 2:11)

4. Jesus Cleanses the Temple (45-48)

• denunciation of Temple practices (Mal. 3:1-4, Isa. 56:7, Jer. 7:11)
• daily routine in the Temple
• objective of the religious establishment
• people “hanging on His words”

5. So What?

• Because Jesus Christ has authority over all creation and alone can rescue it, hang on His words and join the chorus of His praise.
• “I hang upon the Savior, as actually perishing without His unbounded mercy and unintermitted care.” (Simeon)


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