Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 21, 2021

Beyond Religious Performance

Luke 18:9-14


-What’s the real problem?
-Are we self-centered or God-centered?
-Recognition of contextual connections

1. Jesus targets the self-sufficient (9)

• misplaced trust
• mistreatment of others

2. Jesus teaches through vivid contrast (10-13)

• a religious performer: his attitude, actions and articulation
• a spiritual pauper: his attitude, actions and articulation

3. Jesus transmits a timeless truth (14)

• Only those who acknowledge the extremity of their need may enjoy the exaltation of intimacy with Jesus.
• A repeated NT theme: 1 Peter 5:5-7
• Recognize that self-justifiers remain unjustified.
• Understand the peril of religious performance.
• “Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me…” (Toplady)
• Serve Jesus with broken-hearted joy.


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