Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 14, 2021

The Son Who Stayed Home

Luke 15:11-32

1. Contextual Considerations

• identification of target audience in 15:1
• intensification in the three parables of Luke 15
• inclusion of 15:25-32

2. An Unusual Request 11-13

• man with two sons
• younger son requests inheritance
• division of property

3. A Journey into a Far Country 14-16

• squandered his property in reckless living
• severe famine and need
• feeding pigs

4. A Return Journey 17-20a

• when he came to himself
• contrasting his status with hired servants
• rehearsal of speech

5. A Compassionate Reception 20b-24

• the father’s actions: saw, felt, ran, embraced, kissed…
• the younger son’s confession
• robe, ring, shoes and festive celebration

6. An Angry Older Brother 25-32

• informed of his brother’s return
• an angry protest and an embellishment
• the father’s response

7. So What?

• Because of God’s heart for the lost, extend His compassion and join His celebration!
• “And so through all the length of days Thy goodness faileth never; Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise within Thy house forever.” (Baker)


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