Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 7, 2021

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Rock or Ruin?

Luke 6:46-49

1. Context

• Sermon on the Mount
• beatitudes (20-23), woes (24-26), love of enemies (27-36), judging others (37-42), fruit-bearing (43-45)

2. Jesus asks a question (46)

• implications of “Lord”
• exposure of inconsistency

3. Jesus makes a comparison (47-48)

• hearing and doing
• rock foundation
• flood survival: no collapse

4. Jesus offers a contrast (49)

• hearing and not doing
• no foundation
• flood disaster: complete ruin

5. So what?

• Only as you hear and heed the words of Jesus are you prepared to live presently and eternally.
• Your obedience, or lack of it, has consequences now and in the future.
• “Entrance to the Kingdom does turn on obedience after all-not the obedience which earns merit points, but which bows to Jesus’ lordship in everything and without reservation.” (Carson)
• Cultivate holy fear: There is a heaven to be gained and a hell to be shunned. (Isa. 1:5-6, 18-20)
• “…all other ground is sinking sand…” (Mote)


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