Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 29, 2020

Doing the Humanly Impossible

Luke 1

Luke is the only gospel writer who records the foretelling of the births of John the Baptist and Jesus. By focusing our attention on both the similarities and differences between these events, Luke teaches us important truths about the power of God, the preeminence of Jesus and our response to the One who does the humanly impossible.

-summary of Luke 1: an emerging pattern and invitation to compare/contrast

1. The Power of God

• prediction of births (1:13 and 1:31)
• nature of births (1:7 and 1:35-36)

2. The Preeminence of Jesus

• words of John the Baptist (Matt. 3:11 and John 3:30)
• affirmation of Gabriel (1:32-33)

3. Our Response to the One who does the humanly impossible

• Zechariah: “I can’t be sure.” (1:18-20)
• Mary: “I don’t understand.” (1:34)
• explanation and declaration (1:35-38)
• resulting praise (1:46-55; 67-79)

4. So What?

• Because God excels at doing the humanly impossible, trust His promises.
• “The Son of God became man to enable men to become the sons of God.” (Lewis)
• “And our eyes at last shall see Him, Through His own redeeming love; For that child so dear and gentle, Is our Lord in heaven above, And He leads His children on, To the place where He is gone.” (“Once in Royal David’s City,” Alexander)


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