Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 22, 2020

Thanksgiving Message

The Path to a ‘Good Place’ This Thanksgiving

Psalms 13:1-6

1. Background

• lament psalm for Thanksgiving?
• from desperate intensity to dependent sufficiency

2. Indication of David’s Anguish 1-2

• individual lament
• four-fold use of “How Long…?”
• forgotten, forsaken, sorrowful, subdued
• Num. 6:22-27

3. Direction of David’s Appeal 3-4

• “…O LORD my God…”
• consideration and illumination
• grounded in dependence

4. Consolation of David’s Affirmation 5-6

• affirmation of trust
• anticipation of thanksgiving and praise
• basis of consolation: bountiful dealing

5. So What?

• Because of God’s mercy, trust God and anticipate joy even in your trial.
• “We are to bring our emotions underneath the jurisdiction of God’s character and God’s purpose…God’s care for his children is like the sun: it’s constant. Even though the clouds obscure it, it doesn’t mean the sun isn’t there.” (Begg)
• Connection to Christ: Psalm 22, Isa. 49:15


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