Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 20, 2020

The Savior in Your Distress

Isaiah 7:1-8:10

1. The setting of the Immanuel prophecy: judgment on unbelief 7:1-9

• Syria and Israel seek to form an anti-Assyrian alliance and Ahaz refuses to join
• Rezin and Pekah want to install a puppet king in place of Ahaz
• The LORD’S reputation: at stake in what happens to Ahaz
• how 2 Sam. 7 “hovers” over Isaiah 7: a promise made (2 Sam. 7:16; 23:3)
• encouragement through Isaiah and Shear-jashub: remnant concept
• Isaiah’s message: trust Yahweh

2. The tone of the Immanuel prophecy: exposure of true allegiance 7:10-25

• Yahweh offers Ahaz a “sign”
• response of Ahaz: unbelief
• Yahweh imposes a sign: Immanuel
• Ahaz’s savior: king of Assyria (2 Kings 16:7)
• prophetic detail: virgin birth
• Yahweh’s promise or Assyrian power?

3. The impact of the Immanuel prophecy: power of a promise kept 8:1-10

• focus on the believing remnant
• the message of an unusual name
• a case of ancient name-dropping

4. So what?

• In light of His precious promises and unlimited power, apply the promise of the LORD’S presence personally.
• connection to Christ and a son of David who believed (Matt. 1:18-25)
• “This is my anthem, this is my song, the theme of the stories I’ve heard for so long. God has been faithful, He will be again, his loving compassion, it knows no end. All I have need of, His hand will provide… He’s always been faithful to me. “ (Groves)


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