Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 30, 2020

Wisdom When Trials Come

James 1:1-8

1. Background

• NT wisdom literature
• original audience: persecuted, dispersed Jewish believers
• 54 imperative commands
• Wise believers can count trials as causes for joy when they understand God’s power over them and purpose behind them.

2. Count your trials as causes for joy (2-3)

• recognition of the nature of trials: certainty, contingency and variety
• reason for the command: knowing…testing…faith…produces endurance
• matter of perspective and not denial

3. Trust the processes of your trials (4)

• full effect of endurance
• the purpose/goal of maturity

4. Ask God for wisdom in the midst of your trials (5-8)

• if = since
• the generously giving God
• assurance of provision
• ask in faith
• don’t suppose

5. So What?

• Grasp the ultimate goal of wisdom: conformity to Christ to the glory of God.
• Trials tend to traumatize those who value present comfort/security over continual conformity to Christ
• If He is Lord over your experiences, He will not waste your experiences.
• “This is all my hope and peace: nothing but the blood of Jesus. This is all my righteousness: nothing but the blood of Jesus.” (Lowry)


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