Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 2, 2020

The ‘Splendid’ Crown of Old Age

Proverbs 16:31-17:6

In light of God’s purpose for your advancing years, pursue conformity to His character

1. Ponder the biblical perspective 31/6

• ascription
• escalation

2. Learn the legacy of the long fuse 32-33

• internal control
• sovereign contingency

3. Practice a preference for peace and quiet 1

• paired with verse 32
• concord over consumption

4. Value character more than circumstances 2-3

• wise slave and shameful son
• possession over position
• omnicompetence of the ultimate Tester

5. Apply the lessons of listening 4-5

• the case of the captured ear
• the liar and the mocker and their destiny
• clinging to truth and compassion

6. So what?

• Take your cues about aging from Scripture.
• Focus on finishing well to the glory of God.
• NT connection: 2 Tim. 4: 6-8 and Heb. 12:1-3


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