Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 5, 2020

Dead and Alive

Romans 6:1-14

-connection to 5:12-21: doctrine of imputation
-shift from justification to sanctification
-main idea: In light of Christ’s death and resurrection for you, reckon yourself dead to sin and alive to God in Him.

1. Recognize the implication of being dead to sin (1-10)

• objection, answer, reason and elaboration
• baptized into Christ: buried and raised (1-4)
• united with Christ: old self crucified, no longer enslaved, set free, once for all (5-10)

2. Reckon yourself dead…and alive (11-14)

• 4 key commands
• a sermon in tenses: “present” (13)
• not perfectionism
• freedom under grace

3. So what?

• “Run, John, run, the law commands, but gives us neither feet nor hands. Far better news the gospel brings: it bids us fly and gives us wings.” (Bunyan)
• Magnify the matter of your union with Christ and stay in the battle.
• “For every look at self, take ten looks at Christ!” (M’Cheyne)
• “Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise…” (Havergal)


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