Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 22, 2020

Hope for the Helpless

Romans 5:1-5

1. Introduction

• repetition of “therefore”
• previously: all guilty, no salvation by works, God’s way by grace through faith, example of Abraham
• connection to the last two words of 4:25
• Because of God’s provision in Christ, we can apply the certainties of salvation to the circumstances of our lives.

2. Affirmation: Trusting God to Save Us (1-2)

• defining “justification”
• summary of results:

♦ immediately, we have peace
♦ continually, we stand in grace
♦ ultimately, we hope for glory

3. Application: Trusting God to Sustain Us (3-5)

• “not only…”
• defining “tribulations”
• beneficial results:

♦ productive pressure
♦ ripened character
♦ assurance through the Holy Spirit

4. So What?

• Anchor your joy to your secure standing with God.
• The God who goes before us in salvation will go before us in our circumstances.
• “Be Thou my shield and hiding place, that sheltered near Thy side, I may my fierce accuser face, and tell him Thou hast died.” (John Newton)


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