Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 15, 2020

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But Now…

Romans 3:21-26

This morning we will examine what has been called the “most important paragraph” in the Bible.

Main Idea: Because of God’s rescuing intervention at the cross, guilty offenders can receive His reconciling forgiveness.

1. Acknowledge the intervention of God (21-22)

• something happened
• now: logical, chronological, eschatological
• righteousness of God: unswerving commitment
• manifested: death of Jesus Christ
• without distinction

2. Identify the human deficiency (23)

• all (without exception) sinned
• fall short: lacking, has mainly to do with God
• glory: supreme value, surpassing worth

3. Appreciate the rescuing activity of God (24)

• being justified: acted on, declared righteous
• gift: you can’t pay for it
• grace: you can’t work for it
• redemption: deliverance at a cost

4. Grasp the glorious resolution God accomplishes (25-26)

• set forth by God
• propitiation of wrath
• demonstration of righteousness
• not to meet with friends but to die for enemies

5. So what?

• Trust and treasure! “Were the whole realm…” (Watts)
• Remember that the door of salvation swings on the hinge of substitution.
• “O thou, my soul, forget no more the Friend who all thy sorrows bore. Let every idol be forgot; but, O my soul, forget Him not.” (K. Pal)


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