Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 2, 2020

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Preaching the Gospel to Yourself

Deuteronomy 6:1-25

-prior to our text: restatement of the 10 Commandments (5:1-21) and summary of Law giving (5:22-33)

1. The purpose of the instruction (1-3)

• that you may do
• that you may fear…by keeping…
• hear and do

2. The passion expressed in the shema (4-5)

• context of polytheism
• foundational fidelity to the only One you should worship (4:35, 39)
• heart, soul and might: totality of being

3. The proclamation of the passion (6-9)

• on your heart
• diligent teaching
• wherever you are and whatever you are doing
• constant reminders

4. The principle of exclusive worship (10-19)

• remembering the LORD’S provision
• lest you forget…
• a jealous God
• avoidance of disloyalty

5. The power of reviewing the past (20-25)

• brought us out…that He might bring us in…
• for our good always
• connection to Christ (Matt. 22:34-40)

6. So What?

• Because you transmit what you treasure, make sure the LORD is your greatest treasure.
• “May the living God, who is the portion and rest of the saints, make these our carnal minds so spiritual, and our earthly hearts so heavenly, that loving Him and delighting in Him may be the work of our lives.” (R. Baxter)


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