Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 26, 2020

A God so Near

Deuteronomy 4:1-40

Our text this morning highlights the significance of consistent obedience in light of the incomparable character of God.

1. Moses speaks to Israel (1-8)

• listen and do…
• judgment on idolatry
• a God so near…

2. Moses appeals for vigilance (9-14)

• keep your soul
• lest you forget…
• generational rehearsal of history

3. Moses warns about idolatry (15-24)

• watch yourself
• lest you act corruptly…
• lest you raise your eyes to heaven…
• lest you forget the covenant
• the jealousy of God

4. Moses looks into the future (25-31)

• if you act corruptly…
• but from there…
• the mercy of God

5. Moses highlights God’s greatness (32-40)

• two questions
• purpose: that you might know…
• call to obedience

6. So what?

• Because the LORD alone is God and comes near with holy jealousy and abundant mercy, remember His character and obey His commands.
• connection to Christ (Matt. 1:23, John 1:14, 1 John 5:3)


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