Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 26, 2019

“To Nourish and Sustain”   Mark 14:22-25   Bible Study   05/26/19

1. Contextual/Background Considerations

• Passover preparation precedes
• forecast of denial and prayer in Gethsemane follows
• key text on the Lord’s Supper: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
• Lord’s Supper: ordained and instituted by Christ

2. The Bread (22)

• unleavened bread and its significance
• Christ’s body as a sacrificial offering
• purity of the offering
• take/eat

3. The Cup (23-24)

• shared cup
• new covenant (Jer. 31:31-34)
• apostles: appointed leadership of the “remnant”
• expression of “communion”
• shedding of blood

4. The Continuation (25)

• when I drink it new…
• resurrection: implicit in the Lord’s Supper
• until then: remember and proclaim

5. So What?

• Because the Lord’s Supper portrays the supreme purity and substitutionary power of Jesus, pursue the nourishment and sustenance it provides.
• “Jesus’ sacrifice is the means by which God binds sinners to Himself and brings them deliverance from bondage in sin.” (S. Ferguson)
• “His oath, His covenant, His blood support me in the whelming flood. When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay…” (E. Mote)


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