Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 19, 2019

“A Beautiful Thing”   Mark 14:1-11   Bible Study   05/19/19

With Mark 14, we enter the closing section of Mark’s gospel. As Jesus moves ever closer to the cross, we find here a distinct contrast in responses to Him: conniving hatred and complete devotion.

1. Conspiracy against Jesus (1-2)

• intent to kill
• aiming to avoid a commotion

2. Anointing at Bethany (3-9)

• a contrasting pause
• action: a woman pours
• reaction: indignant about “waste”
• commendation: a beautiful thing (2 Cor. 8:9)

3. Betrayal by Judas (10-11)

• bargaining with religious leaders
• intolerance of complete devotion to Jesus

4. So What?

• Because Jesus poured Himself out for you, pour yourself out in love to Him.
• “It’s beautiful when the worth of Jesus and the love of His followers match…when the value of His perfections and the intensity of our affections correspond.” (J. Piper)
• no turning back or holding back


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